Posts Tagged ‘journalism ethics’
The Envoy Beckons
Sunday, May 19th, 2013Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 12:31 p.m. I got an email from Envoy reporter Sophie Simon who wanted to interview me about the call I put out for a boycott of the Aronson Awards. She was fed, according to her email, bogus information (of course) which she accepted as gospel (of course).
The plot thickens.
The Hunts Point Express on Editorial Alert?
Tuesday, May 7th, 2013An URL of the previous blog below (The Slippery Ethical Slope of the Hunts Point Express) was posted Monday on the The Hunts Point Express facebook page. Lo and behold, it was no longer there yesterday. In fact, the The Hunts Point Express on online is not accepting comments either.
Uh Oh! The plot thickens.
James Aronson Awards Coordinator Peter Parisi Supports News Censorship of the WORD: Boycott the Aronson Awards
Friday, April 13th, 2012I’m telling my students to boycott the event. I’m telling everyone in the journalism circles I frequent to boycott the event even if they never heard of the Aronsons. I’m telling them to tell their friends and associates.

Peter Parisi [From his facebook page
I was not exaggerating when I recently told Colleagues in the Department of Film and Media Studies, Hunter College, about the contempt in journalism circles for this event and that I had to put someone in place at the Polk Awards last year for intimating that I somehow was involved with this Parisi coordinated farce.
An Ethical Dilemma & Mom & Dad
Friday, July 1st, 2011Nope.
Date: Tue Jun 28 10:52:39 EDT 2011
From: [Spring MEDP292 Student]
Subject: Campus MovieFest Article
To: “Greggory W Morris” <>
Hello Professor,A girl I interviewed, named [Anonymous], for her participation in a movie at Campus MovieFest, said that she needs her name removed from the article posted on HunterWORD[sic]. Her reason is that she kissed a girl in the video and her parents searched her name, found the video, and have her on lock down threatening to make her drop out of school. She needs to cut all ties with the video and article so her parents will let her stay in school. Though she agreed to the publishing of the article, she believes her reputation and education are at stake and would like to be removed from the article. Please get back to me as to whether this can be done.
Thank you,
Section 002
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Tuesday, April 12th, 2011From the J-listserv of the National Writers Union of which this writer is a member:
Dear NWU Journalism list members (hoping you’re still out there!),
I recently published an article with a music magazine–a profile of an up-and-coming artist. Unfortunately, two factual errors turned up in the published piece. One was a misunderstanding between the editor and me; the other was an honest oversight on my part. It was (understandably) embarrassing to me. I later received an email from the artist, who said (rightly) that I had never run the final draft by her before submission. If I had, the errors would have been caught. The reason I didn’t run it by the artist was mostly due to my own ego: I was trying to stay “objective,” to play the role of a “professional” journalist. The piece, however, was not so much a review as a profile, so my opinion played only a small part. Nonetheless, I wish now I had run the piece by the artist.
My question is, what are the ethics or proper conduct in consulting the artist? It seemed to me the artist and I, after hours of interviewing, had formed a nice relationship. Then by my “professional” behavior, I built a wall between us. Should I have just forgotten the damn “etiquette” and shown the artist the draft? It would have prevented the problems.
I will appreciate all good input.
His name is not important. But he was concerned about issues that are universal. This writer’s response:
From the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
Monday, January 17th, 2011NYU Journalism Handbook for Students.
Absolutely cool. I will be using this in my classrooms this semester. Slowly integrating, of course.
Fox News Sucks!
Thursday, January 20th, 2011Posted because I’m teaching a J-ethics/news responsibility class this semester.
Click here for more info.
Tags:Fox News, journalism ethics
Posted in Journalism, News/Commentary/Opinion, State of Journalism | Comments Closed