Send Peter Parisi a message so that James Aronson can stop turning over in his grave.
Send Peter Parisi a message so that James Aronson can stop turning over in his grave.
Radha Mitchell
March 22, 2013 – A federal judge has ruled that a New York City Transit Authority rule requiring people using the city’s transit system to carry ID is unconstitutional. The decision is a victory for the New York Civil Liberties Union, which filed a lawsuit in November, 2011 defending the public’s right to take photographs in the subway system without fear of being arrested or having to show identification to police. Full story here.
An Open Letter to America about the Central Park Five
Saturday, April 13th, 2013This was published several months ago in Indiewire by Josh Raiske but I just came across it and thought it needs to see more light of day.
Tags:ken burns, NYPD Stop and Frisk, police brutality, sarah burns
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