Posts Tagged ‘Office Politics’

Which Ones in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College Are the Most Likely to Participate in Academic Bullying?

Monday, December 16th, 2013
Colleagues in the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies were Academic Bullying is endemic.

Colleagues in the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies were Academic Bullying is endemic.


Which D:F/M Colleagues Don’t Engage In Academic Bullying?

Monday, August 19th, 2013



Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

Many articles in the works.



All Us Sharks Were Smiling – Part 1

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013



Professional Staff Congress President Barbara Bowen Has Yet to Respond But …

Sunday, March 11th, 2012

… below is an email from a Colleague regarding a discussion among my D:F/M Colleagues about a reaction to my March 6 “Attention Professional Staff Congress President Barbara Bowen.”

It needs a rebuttal, of course, but I’ve decided to post it first without comment.[ Note: I wish these people would use all caps for the correct spelling of the WORD.]

PSC Hunter College Chapter Chair Trying to Intimidate Colleague at a Department Meeting


It Was One of Those Semesters

Monday, January 17th, 2011

Below, the first two paragraphs of a very long memo in the wake of the November 10, 2010, faculty meeting.

November 14, 2010


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – End

Monday, April 20th, 2009

So, where does all this lead? I don’t know. But the brawls, the tempests, the imbroglios are no longer going to be concealed behind D:F/M’s phony facade of collegial sobriety, that’s for sure. Those days are over. Nevertheless, one more time, the email that exposed this most recent teapot tempest.


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – Part 5

Monday, April 20th, 2009

My reply was posted on Hunter L.


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – Part 4

Monday, April 20th, 2009

So, I’ve been getting these emails from Adjunct Instructor Cindy Rodriguez, who copies everyone in the department as well as others outside the department, about the anguish she experiences when she reads one of my memos. In one response – copied et al, of course – she suggested that I go file the appropriate complaints with the appropriate bodies and to stop writing acidic memos (which, of course, are based on the complaints filed with the appropriate bodies who either rule in my favor or support my allegations which I believe should be aired) because they pain her so much. She also disapproved of my email about the shortcomings of the Aronson award of which she is associated and so she replied, I guess, to buttress Blanca Vasquez’s cheap shot.


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – Part 3

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Most Film and Media dept. faculty know that Gregg can raise issues in ways that are contentious.” — Blanca Vasquez, Adjunct Instructor.

My reply was 761 words of pointed insights.
