Posts Tagged ‘Stuart Ewen’

Ending Workplace Bullying: Not Only in the Department of Film and Media Studies But Everywhere

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013


What Would They Say Under Oath?

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013

Phony Violence in the Workplace Complaints have been filed against two members of the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College.

Which Colleague Chaired the Infamous Four Barnacles of the Apocalypse D:F/M Grade Appeals Committee

Monday, December 16th, 2013



Which Ones in the Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College Are the Most Likely to Participate in Academic Bullying?

Monday, December 16th, 2013
Colleagues in the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies were Academic Bullying is endemic.

Colleagues in the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies were Academic Bullying is endemic.


Protected: The Four Barnacles of the Apocalypse: A True Story

Monday, December 16th, 2013

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Monday, December 16th, 2013

Another followup on the New York Times article, a weak follow on an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, about Hunter’s President. But this has more to do with a D:F/M Colleague.

When Ms. Anderson’s letter was released, Stuart B. Ewen, a professor who is an outspoken critic of Ms. Raab, tried to press the case against her with Matthew Goldstein, who was then CUNY’s chancellor. — From the New York Times story, “Amid Exits, President of Hunter College Is Assailed for Her Management Style,” by New York Times reporter Ariel Kaminer.


Which Are the Most Likely to Participate in a Phony Violence in the Workplace Complaint Against a Colleague?

Monday, December 16th, 2013
Colleagues in the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies were Academic Bullying is endemic.

Colleagues, including retirees, of the Hunter College Department of Film and Media Studies which has a strong tradition of academic bullying.


UMass Amherst’s Workplace Anti-bullying Initiative

Monday, December 16th, 2013


This very successful kickoff was the result of some three years of dedicated, steadfast, often very challenging work by a cross-campus Committee on Workplace Climate and Bullying and the strong support of a new Chancellor, Kumble Subbaswamy, who offered welcoming remarks at the symposiumDavid Yamada.

NYT Times Latest Puff Piece About Hunter College President

Friday, September 6th, 2013

Amid Exits, President of Hunter College Is Assailed for Her Management Style comes in the wake of the resignations of an assistant dean and a dean – their departures roiling with disharmony – and the resignation of the College Legal Counsel, who also served as the Campus Ethics Officer, who left with no fanfair.


A WORD Update

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

I’ve been experimenting with a variety of strategies regarding media devices and so-called social networking media like blogging, youtube, facebook, myspace, UWIRE, twitter, Current TV, et. al., so that, one, my classroom instruction, and two, my professional interests/goals, can try to keep up with the burgeoning technological advances in communication, i.e., the dissemination of news and news-like information.

I’ve been doing this as D:F/M gurus seem committed to D:F/M being as far behind innovation and creativity as an academic department can be during these robust times. I also have been experimenting with new forms of news-narrative-storytelling, such as in my feature writing class for the last few semesters (though the course should be named in-depth reporting or something even more imaginative).
