Do they really want to teach introductory news writing? Instruct students whose impressions of journalism have been influenced by the content of their Myspace and Facebook accounts? Are they passionate about preparing the next wave of journalists?
Posts Tagged ‘journalism’
The Wisdom of Hiring Pulitizer Recognized Journalists to Teach in the Trenches of Undergraduate Journalism Programs
Friday, February 13th, 2009The Citizen Journalist’s Guide to Open Government
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009I would have preferred “Journalism Students Take Historic Reporting Trip”
Sunday, January 25th, 2009… instead of the above headline from the recent issue of the Hunter Alumni magazine article about Kisha Allison, Jonathan Mena and Jacqueline Fernandez at the Democratic National Convention. Why?
The WORD’s Luis M. Mostacero Heading to the Presidential Inauguration
Tuesday, January 13th, 2009WORD senior editor/producer Luis M. Mostacero also writes for Noticia Hispanoamericana in Baldwin, New York (AKA Long Island). He will be reporting on the inauguration for Noticia Hispanoamericana but will also be writing some stories for the WORD.

WORD senior editor/producer Luis Mostacero interviewing people who had voted in the neighborhood voting booths set up inside of the Hunter North Building.
WORD Writer Gets Inauguration Press Credentials
Monday, January 12th, 2009A WORD writer who also writes for a Spanish-speaking newspaper on Long Island has received press credentials via his LI newspaper for the 2009 Inauguration.
The Health of Ethnic Media
Monday, January 12th, 2009Funded by the McCormick Foundation, “The Health of Ethnic Media: Needs and Opportunities”:Â Â A must read for students and instructors seriously interested in journalism and media. That goes for practitioners as well because …
The [!@#$%&!!*] O’Reilly Factor
Saturday, December 6th, 2008This is a lazy man’s blog post, but I’m trying to wrap up classes and get to work on some projects that have been idling on the back burner far too long, so here is a column from Media Matters bloggers: Eric Boehlert and Jamison Foster:
Despite falsehood after falsehood, O’Reilly reportedly claimed canceledRadio FactorÂ
According to a December 4 New York Daily News article, in confirming that he would no longer host his nationally syndicated radio show, The Radio Factor, Bill O’Reilly said, “I knew my show couldn’t be ideological. … So I was doing a show that was fact-based.” However, far from being “fact-based,” The Radio Factor, like The O’Reilly Factor, frequently featured “fact-free” claims and falsehoods by O’Reilly, as Media Matters for America’s extensive collection of Radio Factor items demonstrates: Read More Here
New York Times Spoof
Tuesday, November 18th, 2008Note: This info comes via Tikkun – Rabbi Michael Lerner:Â
We hope the people who did this spoof on the NY Times and Tom Friedman don’t get sued or go to jail because this is some of the funniest and at the same time smartest things that have come down the pike in a long time.
Send it to your friends.
Letter to an Editor, New America Media
Monday, November 17th, 2008This is a copy of an email I sent to NAM yesterday, regarding its publishing of two news videos produced by my senior editors, senior producers Jonathan Mena and Jacqueline Fernandez, about the gay rights protest rally at NYC City Hall.
Just a note regarding my student senior editors-senior producers’ video that NAM graciously noted on its front page November 16. The “Word” is actually spelled, uppercase, WORD and it is not an official part of my department’s journalism program.
The 4 Barnacles of the Apocalypse (A Work in Progress)
Thursday, January 15th, 2009[This page is pockmarked with weird symbols like – I’m because of WORDPRESS updates. This page will be eventually removed and the edited contents will be added to another web site.]
This – I’m referring to all the words below is an edited version of an email sent to my department about grade tampering, and I also alluded to gross violations of academic freedom and academic collegiality as well as to what seem to be odious F/M customs and practices, such as colleagues engaging in defamation and slander. This kind of sleazy office politics seem to be cherished traditions in my department and are regarded, insanely I have to add, by too many colleagues as “Collegial.”
I have also referred to these perversions in various communiques, emails, listserv postings as well as as Farce and Mediocrity. The original title for the email to my department was:”Recommend For New Business, Wednesday, Grade Tampering in F/M- A Big Barnacle: Is a discussion needed?” I was interested in a discussion at the last department meeting of the fall semester, 2008, not that I was expecting a discussion. But I wanted to know how colleagues would respond and I needed to gauge things.
Tags:academic freedom, academic integrity, Grade Tampering, journalism
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