Posts Tagged ‘journalism education’


Friday, February 11th, 2011

A great evening, February 8, The Emerging Skills of Tomorrow’s Journalist. Very informative. Cutting edge. The kind of wisdom regarding the direction of journalism that my Colleagues have chosen to ignore, especially in light of their effort to introduce a journalism/media curriculum so lame that I’m embarrass for them. They aren’t.

More to follow about the event and the direction of journalism.

More Gearing Up for the Semester

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Journalism Handbook for Students:

Journalism students enrolled in courses taught by Professor Gregg Morris are regarded as members of a community of scholars. Scholars push forward the boundaries of knowledge; respectable student journalists serve their public and their communities by seeking and reporting the facts as accurately as possible. Good journalists and scholars share a commitment to the same principle: integrity in their work. A doctor’s ethos is, “do no harm.” For journalism students, it’s “tell the truth.”

The handbook I’m using in class this semester is based on the handbook developed by NYU Professor Adam L. Penenberg who makes it available to other instructors via Open Access License. It has been abridged for students writing for the WORD.


A Golden Age in Journalism?

Monday, August 30th, 2010

As burgeoning technology writes and rewrites the profession and business – as it has been doing for many years – this writer/editor as instructor had tried for years to revise curriculum and syllabi to keep up with changes even though the uncertainty and warp speed of change seemed formidable. Cues  from recent graduates and seminars and discussion sessions and workshops were informative as the angst reverberated through various media about journalists whose careers and expectations seemed to be withering as newspapers cease to exist and layoffs seem to reign. So-called broadcast media also were effected.

How should students be informed was a regular concern as the tsunamic gloom and doom, amply supported by waves of anecdotes about the demise of this or the death of that or  the whatever tradition, swept forward. Now this, from Michael Mandel, a former chief economist at Business Week: The Evolution Of The Journalism Job Market: We May Be Headed Into A Golden Age.

First, the next jobs expansion is likely to be driven by a communications boom (see this paper I did for the Progressive Policy Institute).  Second, we may be headed into a Golden Age of Journalism, where the combination of the falling cost of communications and the high demand for news just opens up all sorts of possibilities for doing journalism in different ways.

Read the rest of the article here.

I Get This Chill …

Saturday, December 26th, 2009


Savvy Journalism Advice for Savvy Journalism Students – Intro

Monday, December 7th, 2009

I’m working on grad recommendations but wanted to know what to tell undergraduate students who don’t graduate for a year or two. So, I contacted former WORD writers and asked if  grad-j programs were worth the money and what undergrad students should be doing now if they are interested in j-careers in this period when journalism is undergoing revolutionary change and the job market sucks.

The responses are just beginning to pour in from around the world and will be showing up in the WORD and WORD blog very soon.

The Fifth Circle of Hell: Resistance Is Futile

Sunday, October 18th, 2009

Prescient signs: The smack, smack, smacking of students smacking the wall.


D:F/M Faculty Meeting, October 7: Tower of Babble

Monday, October 12th, 2009

If institutions of higher learning desire academic honesty, they must be institutions of obvious integrity, places where students, faculty, and administrators seek truth and wisdom and technical expertise in an environment marked by trust, honesty, respect, fairness, responsibility, and courage. — Peg Hogan, Former President, The Center for Academic Integrity.


Eight Things Journalism Students Should Demand from Their Journalism Schools

Monday, September 21st, 2009

September 18, 2009 – “The new semester is well underway at almost all the nation’s journalism schools. Students have received their syllabi, explaining exactly what the school expects from its students during their courses. But what should students expect from their schools?


“Unemployed Woman Sues College For Tuition” — AP Story

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

Woman Sues College
…. over her inability to get a job after graduation.The reader comments on this piece are interesting.
How do Hunter students feel about this?
Posted on Hunter-L, the College listserv, by the Chair of the anthropology department.

I posted a response:


The Last D:/F/M Faculty Meeting of the Semester

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

Cryptic but will have to do until I get back from the New America Media expo in Atlanta, June 4 -5. And by that I mean:
