Posts Tagged ‘D:F/M’

It Was One of Those Semesters

Monday, January 17th, 2011

Below, the first two paragraphs of a very long memo in the wake of the November 10, 2010, faculty meeting.

November 14, 2010


It’s Been One of Those Semesters

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Bedlam at the November 10 D:F/M Faculty Meeting

Above: The Hunter College Chapter Chair of the Professional Staff Congress

Will the truth set her free?


Faculty Experience Survey – Uh Oh!

Thursday, November 12th, 2009


September, Fall Semester ’09: A Pithy, Early Report

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Feature writing class has been learning that this instructor’s course  — taught as an in-depth writing course — does not match the description of feature writing described by their basic reporting instructor of spring semester 2009 who told them that a feature story was “light” and that features didn’t use summary news leads. Uh oh!

And D:F/M’s journalism effort is back in the stone age. Should the students be told? Should prospective applicants be warned? Colleagues zonked on Zombie Juice? Uh Oh!

Fall Semester 2009

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

The DVT put the bite on the start of my semester …


Twitter … Who Goes There?

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

I’m experimenting, of course, with so-called social networking media for what they have to offer Journalists and J-instructors and students. Also, I’m racing to keep up with their next arc. Thus, the WORD twitters at The “experts” say that those who want recognition as serious bloggers (so that they may exert influence and, for me, to teach students how to exert influence), have to blog frequently.

Exert influence? Just another way of saying disseminating information (which can exert influence).

And, hopefully as well as strategically, the blogs contain content and information and wit. And, if they falter, at least the effort can help satisfy that yearning to try. Right now, I’m wrestling with writing and rewriting and rewriting the rewrites of “Do Not Remove Any Documents!!!” – a series about the perversion of core Academic principles in a certain department at Hunter [-:)].

It’s an ongoing project using empirical research, ethnography and in-depth and guerrilla journalism. Because of the demands of that effort, the constant need to revise and revise, I seem to be resorting to posting quick takes which, I hope, will provide “content and information and wit” in keeping with the advice of “experts” while I rush to get DNRAD!!! ready.

Mind boggling irony: Bulletin Information Older Than the 9/11 Rubble

Mind boggling irony: D:F/M Bulletin Information Older Than the 9/11 Rubble

So, here are some observations and comments about Twittering.


A WORD Update

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

I’ve been experimenting with a variety of strategies regarding media devices and so-called social networking media like blogging, youtube, facebook, myspace, UWIRE, twitter, Current TV, et. al., so that, one, my classroom instruction, and two, my professional interests/goals, can try to keep up with the burgeoning technological advances in communication, i.e., the dissemination of news and news-like information.

I’ve been doing this as D:F/M gurus seem committed to D:F/M being as far behind innovation and creativity as an academic department can be during these robust times. I also have been experimenting with new forms of news-narrative-storytelling, such as in my feature writing class for the last few semesters (though the course should be named in-depth reporting or something even more imaginative).


4 Barnacles of the Apocalypse, Redux

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Just a reminder (for the interested and the uninterested) that this matter of the 4 Barnacles has yet to be resolved.


A 30-40P Episode Ever There Was One

Friday, May 8th, 2009

I came across this student-instructor correspondence [provided later in this post] while searching for other material on my hard drive. The Student-In-Question was an excellent writer as well as considerably bright. He was in his late 20s or early 30s.

In my class, he also was functionally indolent.

I plan to use this anecdote and others for my tome about The Four Barnacles of the Apocalypse.


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – Part 5

Monday, April 20th, 2009

My reply was posted on Hunter L.
