Archive for the ‘Dirty Linen: Silence=Complicity’ Category

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

The Anderson Polsky Gambit Soon to Be a DSM-5 Footnote? Or Just Another Gestapo Tactic?*

Friday, March 2nd, 2018



Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

From a recent department email:

“As you all know, there is the issue of confidentiality in our meetings. Department by-laws explicitly state that department meetings are confidential (IV.B.5. on p.7). The only public record that can come out of the meeting is the approved minutes. Any other publication, including a blog post, violates the by-laws, and potentially be the basis for disciplinary action.”


A Must Read

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

We hope that these volumes will be useful in different ways, depending on the individual reader’s needs. For some, this material will yield specific research summaries or potential good practices. For others, single chapters or groups of chapters will be worth cover-to-cover reads to obtain topical overviews. For those who want a comprehensive overview of workplace bullying and mobbing, a full reading of both volumes will provide a useful, comprehensive starting point. In any event, we trust that engaging with these volumes will be time well spent.

I consult with this Colleague from time to time and believe buying the book is a truly MUST READ.

If You See Something, Say Something

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

This picture is worth thousands and thousands and thousands of somethings.

Academic Freedom and Free Speech on Campus – From the AAUP

Monday, February 19th, 2018

The following is a condensed and edited version of “Academic Freedom in the Age of Trump,” an interview originally published in October 2017 on Moyers interviewing Professor Emeritus Joan W. Scott. Academe article has to do with attacks from the right but anyone with brains can tell it says a lot about the dirty linen of Hunter College and the Department of Film and Media Studies, City University of New York.

Bill Moyers: Professor Scott, connect these dots for us. What’s the pattern?

Joan W. Scott: The pattern is an attack on the university as a place where critical thinking occurs, where free thought is encouraged. This is not new; it’s been going on for a number of years. It can be seen in the defunding of state universities. It can been seen in attacks on free speech at the university, particularly on the sup­posed tenured “radicals” who are teaching in universities. The Trump election brought it the fore and made it possible for a number of different groups whose aim is to stop the teaching of critical thinking to launch direct attacks.

Full article here.

Eyewitnesses to a Bonafide Academic Obscenity

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

[More details coming soon!]

A Colleague Who Is a Tenured Lecturer (But Calls Himself a Professor on Linkedin) Files a Complaint with Hunter College Public Safety Complaining That This Colleague Won’t Allow Him to Write Posts on This Blog. The Complaining Colleague Lied in the Complaint. Should He Be Investigated?

Care to Comment Colleague Larry Shore?

Saturday, February 17th, 2018


When Bullies Become Bosses (As Well As Department Chairs, Deans and College Presidents)

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018


Protected: What Would Salman Rushdie Think of a Complaint File with Hunter College Public Safety by a Department of Film and Media Studies Colleague Alleging That a Colleague Was Targeting Him with a Fatwa? – Part 1

Friday, November 24th, 2017

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