Archive for the ‘Journalism Education’ Category
Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, CUNY Chancellor William P. Kelly, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College President Jennifer Raab, Hunter College Provost, Hunter College Senate, Hunter College Vice President for Student Affairs Eija Ayravainen, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock Christa Davis Acampora, Tony Doyle, Vita C. Rabinowitz, workplace bullying
Posted in 30-40P, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism, Journalism Education, State of Journalism, Student Journalism, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Tuesday, October 7th, 2014
Colleagues Larry Shore, Princess Hee-Haw: Read This Blog
A long time ago I worked out an innovative collaboration with the Center for Communication so that it could schedule seminars, panel discussions and other events on the Hunter campus. Almost all of the activities were held in the rinky-dink Lang Auditorium on the fourth floor of Hunter North. One exception was held in a large lecture room of the Hunter West Building that can seat several hundred – timed to coordinate with the class of Adversarial Colleague Bob Stanley.
SRO – capacity 500.
My job was to make sure that there was plenty of attendance. D:F/M techie Joe Orifice worked with me to take care of logistics. And it was a marvel of a collaboration until the two chairs of D:F/M, in the throes of maniacally egotistical self-aggrandizement, screwed up the collaboration set up for the benefit of students. The Center for Communication did great things for students in the Department of Film and Media Studies as well as for students who weren’t majors.
Nevertheless, Colleagues in my department, like Larry Shore and Princes Hee-Haw (of the Hee-Haw Rangers), still post announcements about the Center’s events as if to keep up the ruse that the DEAD relationship hasn’t been killed off and is still alive. More about this later.
D:F/M Colleagues, including some who have retired. A new logo is in the works.
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, Christa Davis Acampora, Eija Ayravainen, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, Hunter College, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College Ombuds Office, Hunter College Senate, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Jennifer Raab, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, New York State Assembly, New York State Senate, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock, Tony Doyle, Vita C. Rabinowitz, workplace bullying
Posted in Blogroll, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism Education, Student Journalism, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Tuesday, August 26th, 2014
As the fall 2014 semester begins, I believed this is a good time for a moment of recollection. The Hunter College Senate this past spring upheld my appeal of a D:F/M Grade Appeals Committee decision to give a passing grade of B to the worst cheating student in all my years of teaching, not just at Hunter but at Rutgers. And LIU, Brooklyn Campus.
Tags:D:F/M, Film and Media Studies Hunter College, Jay Roman
Posted in Blogroll, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism Education, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014
… Poisonous Emails
Part 2
[A somewhat terse twitter exchange between this writer and the upcoming comedian took place before Part 2 was published. To be dealt with later.]
Comedian Jordon Carlos
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, Christa Davis Acampora, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, Hunter College, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College Ombuds Office, Hunter College Senate, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, New York State Assembly, New York State Senate, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock, Tony Doyle, workplace bullying
Posted in Blogroll, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism Education, Student Journalism, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Tuesday, August 5th, 2014
… Poisonous Emails
Part I
Comedian Jordon Carlos
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, Christa Davis Acampora, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, Hunter College, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College Ombuds Office, Hunter College Senate, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, New York State Assembly, New York State Senate, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock, Tony Doyle, workplace bullying
Posted in Blogroll, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism Education, Student Journalism, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014
He should read this and re-think his strategy of obfuscation, prevarication and deceit.
Logo revision in the works.
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, CUNY Chancellor William P. Kelly, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College President Jennifer Raab, Hunter College Provost, Hunter College Senate, Hunter College Vice President for Student Affairs Eija Ayravainen, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, The WORD, Timothy Portlock Christa Davis Acampora, Tony Doyle, Vita C. Rabinowitz, workplace bullying
Posted in Blogroll, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism, Journalism Education, State of Journalism, Student Journalism, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Monday, June 30th, 2014
Tags:Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, Christa Davis Acampora, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College Ombuds Office, Hunter College Senate, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, New York State Assembly, New York State Senate, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock, Tony Doyle, workplace bullying
Posted in Blogroll, Breaking News, Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera, It Was One of Those Semesters, It's Been One of Those Semesters, Journalism, Journalism Education, The Controversy Continues, Wooly Bully, Workplace Bullying | Comments Closed
Wednesday, June 25th, 2014
By FreidaPeople Stat posting on Raymond Santana’s Facebook Page:
Lynn, with all due respect, the tragedy is these boys got railroaded at every step of the way and the media was happy to support their presumption of guilt based on their skin color. The tragedy is that even to this day, people insist on smearing their character as men. The tragedy is that even when Black and brown people are completely innocent, there is a presumption of guilt.
The tragedy is that most of the people in this world still won’t believe the lesson this whole thing teaches us. Crime is not based on skin color and cops are not here to protect or serve children of color from poor communities. I applaud the men I have come to know a bit. In spite of all the harm our racist system inflicted on these kids, they became pillars of society and great role models. The system took their youth, but never their integrity. Can’t wait until all the files are unsealed.
Justice for the Central Park Five. Justice for all.
FreidaPeople Stat posts regularly on Facebook and I and many, many others consider her opinions pretty much Gospel.
Gregg Morris
Tags:#DonaldTrumpHasPoisonedtheWORLD, Central Park 5, Donald Trump, Former Mayor Michael Bloomenthal, New York City, New York City news media, New York Daily News, New York Post, NYPD
Posted in Blogroll, Ethics, Ethnic News, Journalism, Journalism Education, State of Journalism | Comments Closed