As the fall 2014 semester begins, I believed this is a good time for a moment of recollection. The Hunter College Senate this past spring upheld my appeal of a D:F/M Grade Appeals Committee decision to give a passing grade of B to the worst cheating student in all my years of teaching, not just at Hunter but at Rutgers. And LIU, Brooklyn Campus.
Grade appeal procedures were again not followed even though Grade Appeal Chair Timmy Portlock insisted that they were. If procedures had been followed, I wouldn’t have had to file an appeal and the department would not been smeared with another stain, though I believe D:F/M wears the stains as a coat of arms.
I also provided what I believed were important reasons why specific committee members should have recused themselves. This has to do with the Faux Collegiality of D:F/M (most notably in its phony Violence in the Workplace Complaints). I suggested that Colleagues who breached Academic Collegiality (by trying to disrupt my classes or office) should recuse themselves because there was no way I could imagine them being imparitial. The committee members ignored my warnings. So be it.
My records indicate that I have filed more grade appeals than any other professor in recent memory on this campus. And I prevailed in all but one. And even that one became a stain on D:F/M’s reputation.
P.S. Joelle. Remember him? He was a direct target of D:F/M shenanigans. A story is in the works.
Also: Are staff still feeding the meter(s)?

Recalling the controversy of D:F/M staff being
required to feed the parking meters where the Department Chair Jay Roman parks his car.
Tags: D:F/M, Film and Media Studies Hunter College, Jay Roman