Posts Tagged ‘National Writers Union’


Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

From the J-listserv of the National Writers Union of which this writer is a member:

Dear NWU Journalism list members (hoping you’re still out there!),

I recently published an article with a music magazine–a profile of an up-and-coming artist. Unfortunately, two factual errors turned up in the published piece. One was a misunderstanding between the editor and me; the other was an honest oversight on my part. It was (understandably) embarrassing to me. I later received an email from the artist, who said (rightly) that I had never run the final draft by her before submission. If I had, the errors would have been caught. The reason I didn’t run it by the artist was mostly due to my own ego: I was trying to stay “objective,” to play the role of a “professional” journalist. The piece, however, was not so much a review as a profile, so my opinion played only a small part. Nonetheless, I wish now I had run the piece by the artist.

My question is, what are the ethics or proper conduct in consulting the artist? It seemed to me the artist and I, after hours of interviewing, had formed a nice relationship. Then by my “professional” behavior, I built a wall between us. Should I have just forgotten the damn “etiquette” and shown the artist the draft? It would have prevented the problems.

I will appreciate all good input.

His name is not important. But he was concerned about issues that are universal. This writer’s response:


A Tempest in a Teapot But a Tempest No Less – Part 3

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Most Film and Media dept. faculty know that Gregg can raise issues in ways that are contentious.” — Blanca Vasquez, Adjunct Instructor.

My reply was 761 words of pointed insights.


A Tempest in a Teapot Is a Tempest No Less – Part 2

Friday, April 17th, 2009

“Hi Aronsonians,  I am forwarding a note from Gregg Morris, who teaches journalism at Hunter and who has raised concerns about the Aronson student undergraduate prize. Separating his concerns from how he states them would be a good thing. Most Film and Media dept. faculty know that Gregg can raise issues in ways that are contentious.”  [– Blanca Vasquez, Adjunct Instructor]

So, what’s the skinny on this teapot?

Dogfighting in the Department of Chimera (A Work in Progress)- Part IV

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Deconstructing a Snippet of the Minutes of the December, 2008, Faculty Meeting of the Department of Film and Media Studies

[What Really Goes on Behind Some Walls of the Academy]

Morris stated that he had unresolved issues with faculty. These details were written in his group emails to faculty. Roman responded that he will follow up any complaints 
made by Morris with the Ombudsman. – Shanti Thaku, the minutes of the December, 2008, faculty meeting.

At the meeting I’ve referred to as this first blip on the radar, I revealed my contact with the New York Civil Liberties Union but didn’t reveal my contact with the National Writers Union, which had responded positively to my request for support.


Must Reading for the 4 Barnacles of the Apocalypse and Other Colleagues

Friday, February 27th, 2009

I am recommending the New York Times’ Stanley Fish February 16 column, Is the Academy Different? for the benefit of the 4 Barnacles of the Apocalypse* and other colleagues confused about tenets and canons of Academic Freedom.
