Posts Tagged ‘Karen Hunter’

American Association of University Professors Want to Know: Have You Been Targeted?
Part 1

Sunday, February 26th, 2017


We have received reports from faculty members about experiences of targeted harassment and intimidation. We want to get a greater sense of the prevalence of this at colleges and universities around the country.

If you have been targeted as a result of something you have said in your classroom, in your publications, or outside work (on social media for example), please tell us what happened by filling out the form. All information will be kept confidential; we’ll contact you if we’d like to follow up or publicize your story.


AAUP Collecting Stories About Harassment of Faculty

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

Face of Workplace Bullying Coming to New York (Edited for Style)

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Make NYS Healthy Workplace Bill a Law in 2017 Campaign
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 6:15 PM, to 1016 signatories of Petition 

Notice for new petition signers and a reminder for veterans about Torii Bottomley’s special photo
project supporting NY Healthy Workplace Bill: FACE WORKPLACEBULLYING – Inside Out Project

Here is the link to her Boston/MASS project that got rave reviews and startling attention.

Torii can be reached on Facebook here.

Also, a link to a dated YouTube broadcast. The plans is to get back in touch with the news organization who taped this. More being done to make new contacts.

There are efforts in the works to generate more media attention like this but not necessarily with a diversity of mugs. More people are needed to go public, that is, be interviewed for news stories. More about this later. Even better is sending in a personal statement to NYHWA that will make sure it’s delivered to NYS elected officials:

Send NYHWA Your Personal Account of Workplace Bullying

From NYHWA: “We once again will are seeking personal accounts from individuals who have experienced workplace bullying. We intend to distribute accounts that we receive to all 213 state legislators at all three of our lobby day events. Personal accounts are very helpful to show the range of tactics, employer responses and health issues that employees encounter when they are targeted in the workplace.

Personal accounts are most effective when they are no longer than 2 pages long and get to the heart of the matter. Accounts should state what happened, how the abusive behavior affected you, the employment conditions during the period you incurred the abuse and also the one’s current employment situation.”

“If you are willing to write your personal account and are willing to identify yourself, we ask if you can look up who your state Senator and Assembly member are. We will personally hand deliver 213 copies

of your personal account the entire membership of the NYS legislature and inform those that you are a constituent of know that you live in their district.

Personal accounts from constituents are also extremely useful as legislators have a personal investment to address concerns of those they represent. Personal accounts can be anonymous as well.”

“Please use the following links to verify who your State Assembly member and Senator are and pass them along to us with your personal account.”

To verify who your NYS Assemblymember is, complete the form found at this link. To verify who your NYS Senator is, complete the form found at this link.

Please send your personal accounts to or via postal mail to:
5500 N. Bailey Avenue, #43
Buffalo, NY 14214

The petition supporting NYS healthy workplace bill.

Gregg Morris
Assistant Professor
Hunter College
NYHWA Volunteer

New York Healthy Workplace Advocates January 15, 2017 – Part 1

Monday, January 16th, 2017

The New York Healthy Workplace Advocates ( are leading the effort in New York State to pass the Healthy Workplace Bill. This message is being sent to provide an update on t NYHWA activities and the status of the Healthy Workplace Bill in New York State.
Sunday, January 15, 2017

In the 2015-2016 legislative session, the Assembly bill number was A3250 and the Senate bill number was S6438.  By the end of the 2015-2016 legislative session, 79 Assembly members and 15 Senators were sponsors of the bill.  The HWB addresses bullying in the workplace, defined as repeated verbal abuse, psychological abuse, work interference and/or work sabotage that prevents work from getting done or some combination of the three.


January 15, 2017 UPDATE:

  • NYHWA presenting at “Prepare and Empower” January 16, 2017
  • Passing of Elizabeth Nostrand
  • Lobby Day I, February 8, 2017 Albany, NY
  • Send NYHWA Your Personal Account of Workplace Bullying
  • Know your Rights Event in NYC, January 27th, 2017
  • December 8, 2016 NYC Call To Action Event
  • Appeal for Unions and Professional Associations to Lobby
  • Volunteer Needed to Assist with Promotion of NYHWA on Facebook
  • Proclamations recognizing “Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week” received to
  • date from Municipalities across New York State
  • Check us out at, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube sites

NYHWA presenting at “Prepare and Empower” January 16, 2017

NYHWA is presenting a workplace bullying presentation called “Workplace Bullying: It’s Personal, Not Business at the SHARE Changes “Prepare and Empower” event in Manhattan

SHARE Changes is a coalition of knowledge, resources, and grassroots organizations comprised of ordinary people who have a desire to build solidarity and effect informed, positive change.

SHARE stands for:
– SAFETY (the body)
– HOPE (the spirit)
– AWARENESS (the mind)

SHARE Changes will be hosting its first in-person event on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, (Monday) January 16th. The theme is “PREPARE and EMPOWER”.

We will honor Dr. King’s legacy as we learn and participate in workshops, creative activities, and an optional march throughout the community. Let us demonstrate our strength, our solidarity, and our right to protest on this historic day.
11:00 am – 5:00 pm (workshops)
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm (optional march)
Washington Heights/Inwood (NYC)

Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church (178 Bennett Avenue, 10040). For more information and to register please visit, email, or call (646) 431 – 4716.

Passing of Elizabeth Nostrand

On May 31, 2016, Elizabeth Nostrand passed away.  Elizabeth worked for eight years as the Legislative and Policy Director for Assemblyman Steve Englebright.  NYHWA had a wonderful working relationship with Elizabeth and she was an ally for people who want a law to address workplace bullying.   Those of us at NYHWA are saddened.
She is sadly missed.

Assemblyman Englebright became the Prime Sponsor of the Healthy Workplace Bill beginning March 17, 2008 (A10291).  In 2007, the bill was originally sponsored in the Assembly by Assemblyman Bob Barra.

3. Lobby Day I, February 8, 2017 Albany, NY

We will kick off the 2017 lobbying season with a one-day event on February 8th in Albany. Our focus is to speak with key legislators about potential changes to the bill that we have been considering for the past year.  This event will not be one of our usual lobby day events where we invite people to come to Albany to talk about their experiences.  We expect to have
two other lobby day events in 2017 where, if you are interested, you will be able to participate and talk to our NYS Legislators talk about your workplace bullying experiences and the outcomes of them.

Send NYHWA Your Personal Account of Workplace Bullying

We once again will are seeking personal accounts from individuals who have experienced workplace bullying.  We intend to distribute accounts that we receive to all 213 state legislators at all three of our lobby day events.  Personal accounts are very helpful to show the range of tactics, employer responses and health issues that employees encounter when they are targeted in the workplace. Personal accounts are most effective when they are no longer than 2 pages long and get to the heart of the matter.  Accounts should state what happened, how the abusive behavior affected you, the employment conditions during the period you incurred the abuse and also the one’s current employment situation.

If you are willing to write your personal account and are willing to identify yourself, we ask if you can look up who your state Senator and Assembly member are.  We will personally hand deliver 213 copies of your personal account the entire membership of the NYS legislature and inform those that you are a constituent of know that you live in their district.  Personal accounts from constituents are also extremely useful as legislators have a personal investment to address concerns of those they represent. Personal accounts can be anonymous as well.

Please use the following links to verify who your State Assembly member and Senator are and pass them along to us with your personal account.

To verify who your NYS Assemblymember is, complete the form found at this link:

To verify who your NYS Senator is, complete the form found at this link:

Please send your personal accounts to or via postal mail to:
5500 N. Bailey Avenue, #43
Buffalo, NY 14214

End of Part 1. Will send Part 2 as soon as Part 1 shows up in our mailboxes.

Gregg Morris
Assistant Professor
Hunter College

Banzai Redux!

Saturday, January 7th, 2017


Friday, January 6th, 2017

What One Does After Being Targeted for Bullying? – Part 1

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017


How One Becomes a Target of Bullying?

Sunday, January 1st, 2017


Minding the Workplace: Suggestions for Those in Need of Assistance for a Workplace Bullying, Mobbing, or Abuse Situation.

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

The resources may be helpful. Click here for good information.

Gregg Morris, editor, the WORD & this site and others.