Archive for the ‘Dirty Linen: Silence=Complicity’ Category Columnist Liked My Idea!

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

“Thank you, Gregg, for bringing mobbing to my attention. Until you mentioned it in one of your first comments on another article, I had never heard of it. The more I researched and read on the topic the more I knew I HAD to write on the topic. I do have another article on this topic in the works so stay tuned.” Read full story here.


Season Greetings

Sunday, January 17th, 2016


Your DrPhil Blog has been Featured!

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016


Don’t Be Shy About Signing the Petition Supporting the New York State
Healthy Workplace Bill to Make Workplace and Academic Bullying Illegal.

No Season’s Greetings for This #D:F/M Colleague

Friday, December 25th, 2015


Recommended Reading for Colleague Larry Shore

Monday, December 14th, 2015

On bullying in the workplace with guest writer Jessica Stensrud
By Andrew Stewart on December 9, 2015, RI Future. org

When I try to think like most people who haven’t experienced workplace bullying or deny that it even exists, I imagine that when they hear “The Healthy Workplace Bill,” it can sound sort of naïve or even Pollyanna-ish (if that’s even a word).

“What? People need a law in place to FORCE them to be NICE? And what is ‘nice’ anyway? What about competitiveness, aggressive go–getter stuff; all that? Isn’t that normal in business? If you ruled that out, what would you have? A bunch of powder puffs trying to get stuff done.”

No, what I am talking about is there being a law that prevents deliberate acts of complete and intentional cruelty above and beyond anything to do with work. Often times, employees’ time is spent trying to comply with orders that are given, when bullying is taking place, that have nothing whatsoever to do with productivity or the success of the company. It is torture for the sake of torture.

Read full article here. Pass it on to our Colleagues and staffers, erstwhile and otherwise!




Coming Soon: The 2015-2016 Lumpen Goombah Awards

Saturday, December 12th, 2015


The Lumpen Goombah Awards far more interesting than the Time Magazine Person of the Year Award for a number of reasons. Why?


Response to a Colleague Larry Shore Email – Part 2

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Colleague Shore, tones of frantic desperation?

Dear Gregg
Please stop referring to me in your blog posts and putting up my picture with comments like “calls himself a professor.”



Update on the activities of NYHWA and the Status of the Healthy Workplace Bill in New York State

Monday, December 7th, 2015


Interview with New York City Human Rights Commissioner – Part 2

Friday, December 4th, 2015

Word for Word

Audio Player

Interview was conducted after a panel discussion at the CUNY J-School several days ago.


Interview with New York City Human Rights Commissioner – Part 1

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

Originally Posted on:


NYC’s anti-discrimination employment laws regarding hostile workplaces are broader than state and federal laws and can provide redress for targets/victims of workplace-academic bullying even though there are no (at least for now) city, state and federal laws against this particular form of workplace bigotry, Commissioner Carmelyn Malalis said in an interview.
