This historic moment included three WORD senior editors: Jonathan Mena, Jacqueline Fernandez and Kisha Allison. Read about it here.
Archive for the ‘New America Media’ Category
Down Memory Lane: First National Ethnic Media Network to Cover the 2008 Democratic National Convention
Friday, December 25th, 2009Eunji Jang
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009Interns for New America Media. Has made a connection with a New York Times reporter who is drawing on her skills and talent so that he can write and report about the Korean community in metropolitan NYC. A Times immigration beat. This is not a freebie. She does translation and interpretation and is getting valuable field and professional experience and making serious career connections.
She also has been getting write-ups in Korean news media [like this one] for her work with New America Media.
Sandy Close, the Executive Director of NAM, has said more than once that Eunji Jang is vital to NAM’s goals to develop better coordination with Korean news media in the United States. Jang travels the country for NAM when slaving over a full-time course load and, of course, publishing in the WORD.
Free the Hikers!
Saturday, September 26th, 2009Appealing for the quick release of Josh Fattal, Shane Bauer and Sarah Shourd who are being unfairly held in Iran.
From New America Media: Korean Media Cheer Reporters’ Release
Monday, August 17th, 2009New America Media News Report, Anthony Advincula and Eunji Jang, Posted: Aug 04, 2009
Editor’s Note: Eunji Jang is a creative writing major and media studies major at Hunter College and a writer for the WORD.
NEW YORK — As the news spread about the release of two U.S. journalists from a North Korean prison, the biggest question for some Korean ethnic media is: How about the South Koreans the North has been holding as hostages for years?
Read full story here.
Message from Eunji Jang: “I wrote an article with Oni [NAM New York City Editor AKA Anthony Advinclua} a week ago, and Oni told me it was featured on yahoo. We had only 2 hours to write it and we wrote it with our blackberries!“
Kick-Ass Journalism
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009Six Reasons Why Iran Cannot Be Explained in a Twitter Feed
Friday, July 3rd, 2009Eye on Arab Media
News Analysis, Jalal Ghazi
New America Media
The world’s attention is on Iran. But the rhetoric of reformists versus conservatives and students versus mullahs cannot capture the complexity of what is happening on the streets of Tehran. Here are six reasons why the situation in Iran cannot be reduced to simplistic headlines or Twitter feeds. (more…)
More Than 200 Ethnic Myriad Media Outlets Publish Editorial Supporting Immigration Reform
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009SAN FRANCISCO – More than 200 ethnic media outlets across the United States are publishing editorials this week urging the White House and Congress to quickly enact “a just and humane†immigration reform package. More are expected to publish the editorial over this week and next.
Time for Immigration Reform Is Now
Monday, June 29th, 2009Editor’s Note: This editorial was produced in association with New America Media, a national association of ethnic media, and was published by ethnic media across the country this week to bring attention to the urgency of immigration reform.
NAM Calls on Ethnic Media to Take A Stand on Immigration Reform
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009From New America Media Executive Director Sandy Close:
For the first time, New America Media is asking ethnic media across the country with whom we work to take a collective editorial stand on an issue that directly impacts the lives of millions of our audiences: Immigration reform.
New America Media Advisory: Americans Unaware of Stimulus Benefits
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009New America Media Poll to show that most Americans, Including ethnic communities, are unaware of benefits from the $787 Billion stimulus package.
Tags:ethnic communities, ethnic news media, New America Media, polls, Recovery Act, Sandy Close, stimulus package
Posted in Ethnic News, I Didn't See This on the Evening News (A Work in Progress), Journalism, New America Media, News/Commentary/Opinion | Comments Closed