Who’s Bucky?
Archive for May, 2010
Howard Monath in Bangkok, Talking About Bucky
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010Fly in the Ointment [A Few Minutes After the Previous Howard Monath Post]
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010Via facebook
2 minutes ago [12:25 EST]
Funny, it seems counter intuitive, but the closer you are to a story and the more access you have , like here with the Thai Red Shirts, the more you rely on outside sources for information ( or at least corroboration )
Another Howard Monath Report from the Front Lines of the Crisis in Bangkok
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010Via facebook
“I’m going to spend wednesday talking to Reds…
Latest Update About the Show Down in Bangkok
Monday, May 3rd, 2010Howard Monath, Former D:F/M Film Instructor, in the Heart of the Crisis
Via facebook
Car Bomb Updates/Corrections/Clarifications: NY Times & NY Daily News
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010Car Bomb in Times Square: Which One – NY Times, NY Daily News – Will Run a Correction?
Sunday, May 2nd, 2010NY Daily News said two female cops were heroes for discovering a man fumbling with something in the back of a Nissan in Times Square and stopped the car bomb from detonating. The NY Times said “explosive materials were discovered by a mounted police officer who saw a “box with smoke pouring from it in the back of the Pathfinder” and called for backup.
FAIR: Best of the Blog Weekly Round Up – Some
Saturday, May 1st, 2010FAIR, the national media watch group offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. since 1986.
Someone Has to Defend Goldman Sachs
4/26/2010 by Peter Hart
And that someone is Fareed Zakaria, in columns published in the Washington Post (“Cool the Goldman Rage”) and in the Post-owned Newsweek. Zakaria is unimpressed by the SEC’s fraud case against Goldman Sachs; he likens the firm’s mortgage securities bonds to someone placing a bet against the New York Yankees.
Click here for article.
Update From Bangkok Insurrection: Howard Monath, the WORD, & Chantal Ughi
Saturday, May 1st, 2010[Thai ‘Red Shirt’ protester arrested over Facebook post | Metro.co.uk www.metro.co.uk A Facebook post has led to a Thai ‘Red Shirt’ protester being arrested by police claiming that Wipas Raksakulthai insulted the kingdom’s royal family on the social networking site.
Via facebook, Pictures by Howard Monath.
Hunter Word Yo, Howard, Don’t “insult” anyone.
Yesterday at 1:01pm