Posts Tagged ‘Newsweek’

Conflicts & Transparency at the Washington Post

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

By Peter Hart August 24, 2010
Washington Post ombud Andy Alexander devoted his August 22 piece to lauding how the paper handles stories about its parent company and its various business entanglements – which, as he explains, are rather extensive. The Washington Post Co. owns Newsweek, several television stations, and the Kaplan company, which runs the for-profit Kaplan University, the subject of recent critical media reports.

At the end his piece, the FAIR Blogger Hart suggests that there is a better way for the Post to be slapped on the back. Read the rest here.

FAIR: Best of the Blog Weekly Round Up – Some

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

FAIR, the national media watch group offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship. since 1986.

Someone Has to Defend Goldman Sachs
4/26/2010 by Peter Hart
And that someone is Fareed Zakaria, in columns published in the Washington Post (“Cool the Goldman Rage”) and in the Post-owned Newsweek. Zakaria is unimpressed by the SEC’s fraud case against Goldman Sachs; he likens the firm’s mortgage securities bonds to someone placing a bet against the New York Yankees.
Click here for article.
