Posts Tagged ‘The Clem Kadiddlehopper Kinky Klutzy Kooky Awards’

The WORD Blog Will Soon Be Accepting Nominees for The Clem Kadiddlehopper Kinky Klutzy Kooky Awards

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Here is another example for those considering recommending candidates. What follows is a SPFAN (Serious Problem of a Felonious Academic Nature) regarding a respected tradition in the Department of Film and Media Studies, Hunter College, City University of New York:


The WORD Blog Will Soon Be Accepting Nominees for The Clem Kadiddlehopper Kinky Klutzy Kooky Awards

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

Because it might be confusing who might be eligible candidates, I will be posting informative anecdotal examples in the coming days and weeks to help those who may want to suggest deserving candidates. Here is the first:

Department Chair Jay Roman, after he was elected to his first term a while back, told me on more than one occasion – when there was the appearance of a collegial relationship and no other Colleague was in the immediate vicinity – that D:F/M was in serious trouble. [Note: A higher echelon dean told me around that time that the D:F/M had been sold out.] But …
