Posts Tagged ‘D:F/M Hunter College’

“The Controversy Continues” & Larry Shore – Part 1

Monday, September 19th, 2016

[Editor’s Note – What follows was an unpublished blog sitting on the back burner for a few years. I decided today would be a good day to publish. Most of the comments by Colleague Larry Shore are malarkey and stuff he has made up or twisted. I will respond point by point in the near future.]

The headline is a reference to a comment several years ago by Colleague Peter Parisi about angst, anger and frustration directed at the WORD by ersatz student activists known as SLAM – the Student Liberation Action Movement – because they couldn’t control the publication despite clandestine, sympathetic and sometimes clandestine support from certain Colleagues in the Department of Film and Media Studies.

My stomach tightened when Parisi made the comment. I, ambivalent, relaxed somewhat when he also said, and this is a recollection despite the quote marks for effect, “That’s good,” meaning the controversy attracted a lot of attention. Of course, Parisi didn’t ask me how I felt about the “controversy.”

I am publishing below Larry Shore’s email to me without comment. That will  come later, yet, I have to say this. One, I would have coffee with the Colleague identified below only if I was accompanied by an entourage of Ninjas. Two, the lies and deceit threaten to overpower my peace of mind.
