I think you should check out this link before you kamikaze-eee your next email to me. There is just too much academic debauchery-demonic looniness-depravity in the department for one Colleague to try to coverup. Your herculean efforts, so to speak, will not make the stables look pristine but only serve to attract attention. But you seem comfortable with that.
save you some time LARRY SHORE [lshorel@optimum.net] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 4:06 PM To: Greggory w Morris Gregg I saw your recent e-mail. I thought I could save you some time and hassle. Your notes were wrong, Tami has nothing to do with the revised radio course. It is strictly a project between Sissel and Karen.
regards Larry
… trying to intimidate a Colleague when she was Hunter College PSC Chapter Chair. Picture taken at meeting where department chair lost his cool and asked a Colleague twice to hit him.
I lead with my reply to the reply of Mr. Buddy Stein, a former D:F/M instructor, about comments I made about the awards on the #D:F/M listserv known as fm-l. We have crossed swords before. As I recall, one swashbuckling involved the word carpetbagger. And another involved his role as member of a grade appeals committee indulged in serious academic hanky-panky regarding the awarding of a passing grade to a student who had failed a class for cheating.
[Editor’s Note: Typos, errors have been corrected. Blog post updated April 8, May 3.]
The following was posted on the Hunter College listserv known as Hunter-L, an once thriving general communication apparatus for student, instructors and staff but has fallen on hard times, frequently reading like a tepid supermarket flyer, no less:
Regarding DC-37 and PSC Hunter, it appears that DC-37@Hunter – DC-37 is the city’s largest public employee union – has been doing a better job helping its members who have been bullied. [Definition of Bullying]
The tally is based on empirical observations and personal experiences.
This is not a rave review of DC-37 on this campus. I don’t know its inner workings as well as I know the inner workings of the PSC Hunter Chapter, which has been compromised for years. That reality about the ethical compromise might not stick in Colleagues’ craws but it sticks in mine, so much so that a while back I was in a back-and-forth with lieutenants of PSC-CUNY President Barbara Bowen.
Below is a copy of the emailed I wrote in response to an email I receive from Colleague Tami Gold about the James Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism. T-Gold is the self-appointed director of the awards, replacing Erstwhile Colleague Peter Parisi who retired a while back. The Awards Ceremony has been moribund for years. T-Gold believes she can breathe some kind of life into it. She shares her position with an adjunct who asked that I not mention her name in any of Hunter-L postings. And, for now, I’m am following that adjunct’s wishes for now regarding this blog site.
… trying to intimidate a Colleague when she was Hunter College PSC Chapter Chair.
Professor David Yamada – Professor of Law at Suffolk University in Boston, Director of the New Workplace Institute and one of the giants in the healthy workplace movement – was not impressed with my facebook post about dealing with bullies.
NYHWA Update, February 2016, from Mike Schlicht [mikes@nyhwa.org]
The New York Healthy Workplace Advocates (nyhwa.org) are leading the effort in New York State to pass the Healthy Workplace Bill (HWB). The Assembly bill number is A3250 and the Senate bill number is S6438.
The HWB addresses bullying in the workplace, defined as repeated: verbal abuse, psychological abuse, work interference and/or work sabotage that prevents work from getting done or some combination of the three.
This message is being sent to provide an update on the activities of NYHWA and the status of the Healthy Workplace Bill in New York State.