Serious journalists doing serious things for a business that is not taking them seriously right now.
Archive for the ‘Journalism’ Category
Aida Alami: A Stay at Home Journalist Blogging in the Huffington Post
Wednesday, April 28th, 2010The Press at the Tribeca Film Festival: Some Observations
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010Coming soon here and Some limited insights. A few pictures for a tease. Shots taken at the Red Carpet World Premiere and Panel Discussion, The Other City. “In every city, including the capital of the most powerful country in the world, there is another city, a city of forgotten people and unspeakable shame.”
About the ravages of AIDS/HIV in the poor areas of Washington D.C.
The Latest Update From Howard Monath in Bangkok
Monday, April 26th, 2010Reported via facebook. Well. The ‘Red Shirts’ here are no longer wearing their red shirts. Strategically this makes some sense, but you have to wonder if the ‘Reds’ are doing to themselves what the army and the Thai government so far haven’t been able to do to them.
37 minutes ago
Due to an editorial oversight, earlier posts by Howard Monath’s kickboxing friend were not included. Here is one.
Howard Monath Update From Bangkok
Sunday, April 25th, 2010Via facebook:
” Oh, and I just got back from the center of all this; it was a very surreal day, the leaders of the Red Shirts, the guys you see on TV every day, were talking to each other; they came over and asked me what I thought was gong to happen! (bizarre, there were no other foreigners/journalists around ) the army has given them 48 hours to leave. the Red Shirts have completely taken over about two miles of downtown Bangkok, and are amazingly organized, pretty good for a bunch of illiterate farmers.
Howard Monath, An Inadvertent Correspondent Reporting on the Crisis in Bangkok for the WORD
Sunday, April 25th, 2010Via Facebook:
Hello Hunter Word, I’ve been in Thailand on and off since Nov sort of following my friend Chantal Ughi, who is a champion Muay Thai boxer. She, as you can see has a different opinion about this, makes for an interesting dynamic. 12 minutes ago, April 25, 10:38 p.m.
The WORD at the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival
Wednesday, April 21st, 2010Press credentials for awarding winning Senior Editor/Producer Andrea León. The editor also has credentials and León and the editor are trying to work Greg Chan into the formula as a Contributing Writer.
A few more pictures.
New York Times Editorial Guidelines
Sunday, April 18th, 2010Morocco’s Misguided War on Terror …
Sunday, April 11th, 2010… in Foreign Policy Magazine by former WORD Senior Editor/Producer Aida Alami: The Persecution of Islamists Across North Africa, in the name of fighting terrorism, is sowing the seeds for future instability.
Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright …
Wednesday, March 31st, 2010Is Robert Wright of the New York Times out of his mind?
The Tiger is a corporate entity, the litmus test about corporate Amerika’s morality/ethos, not “our moral consciousnesss.” You can read the full Times blog here – yuck.
Tags:corporate American, New York Times, Tiger Woods
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