Archive for the ‘Journalism’ Category

On the Vilification of Helen Thomas

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

By Robert Scheer,

The media tirade against Helen Thomas is as illogical as it is hysterical. The few sentences uttered by her were, as she quickly acknowledged, wrong—deeply so, I would add. But they cannot justify the road-rage destruction of the dean of the Washington press corps. Suddenly this heroic woman who broke so many gender barriers and dared to challenge presidential arrogance was reduced to nothing more than the stereotypical anti-Israel Arab that it is so fashionable to hate.

Read entire column here.

The Huffington Post: If Helen Thomas, Then Why Not Pat Buchanan?

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

By Michael Fauntroy
Professor, Author, Columnist
and Commentator at

“Helen Thomas recently set off a firestorm with her comment that Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to Germany or Poland. The comments resulted first, and predictably, with her apology. Over the weekend, with the heat turned up considerably, she decided to retire immediately (before she was fired).”

If Helen can be forced out, writes M. Fauntroy, why not the nativistic Pat Buchanan?

Read entire blog here.

Other articles:

New York Times
Notes From a Grumpy Old Man

ProPublica: Four Reasons Why Measuring Flow in BP’s Spill Matters

Monday, June 7th, 2010

By Marian Wang

Estimating oil flow from BP’s ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico has consistently been a subject of contention among the oil company, the government and the skeptics who believe that official estimates significantly low-ball the scale of the disaster.


ProPublica Blog: Former Valdez Cleanup Worker Warns of Toxic Dangers in the Gulf

Monday, June 7th, 2010

By Marian Wang

At the time, it was the worst oil spill the United States had ever seen.

It was 1989, and Merle Savage, then a healthy 50-year-old, had heard the news about Exxon Valdez. Compelled to help, she spent four months cleaning up Alaska’s oil-contaminated waters and shores.

She has never been the same since. Now 71, Savage still feels the toll that summer took on her health, but as she watches the reports coming out of the Gulf, she’s felt something else: Déjà vu.

After all, the reported symptoms seem to line up.

Read entire blog here.

Three Must Read Blogs

Saturday, June 5th, 2010

O’Reilly’s Hypocrisy on Sarah Palin & Joe McGinniss
06/04/2010 by Steve Rendall
Witless commentary and breathtaking hypocrisy are no strangers to Fox News, but Bill O’Reilly was in rare form on June 1.


ICE Agents in Louisiana Search for Undocumented Immigrant Cleanup Workers Assisting in the Oil Crisis Cleanup

Friday, June 4th, 2010

This story was co-produced by Feet in Two Worlds and El Diario/La Prensa.

NEW ORLEANS — Federal immigration officials have been visiting command centers on the Gulf Coast to check the immigration status of response workers hired by BP and its contractors to clean up the immense oil spill.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Louisiana confirmed that its agents had visited two large command centers—which are staging areas for the response efforts and are sealed off to the public—to verify that the workers there were legal residents.

“We visited just to ensure that people who are legally here can compete for those jobs—those people who are having so many problems,” said Temple H. Black, a spokesman for ICE in Louisiana.

After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, thousands of Hispanic workers, many of them undocumented, flocked to the region to help in the reconstruction of Louisiana’s coastal towns.  Many stayed, building communities on the outskirts of New Orleans or finding employment outside the city in oil refineries and in the fishing industry.

Read full story here.

Media Advisory: Reporting Israeli Assault Through Israel’s Eyes

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Much of the U.S. media coverage has been remarkably unskeptical of Israel’s account of events and their context, and has paid little regard to international law.


Must Read Blogs

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Artur Davis Dissed His Base and Paid the Price
While Congressman Artur Davis’s stunning loss in his quest to win the Alabama Democratic Gubernatorial nomination was a sad turn for one black man, it was a great moment for black voters. It revealed a heightened level of political sophistication among black primary voters who rejected Davis’s “I-don’t-need-to-spend-time-on-them-’cause-I-know-they’ll-be-with-me” approach to campaigning. – By Michael Fauntroy, Huntington Post.
Full blog here.

Former WORD Writers, Where Are They Now?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Maria Rosana Cruz, Project Coordinator, NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigration Affairs

Maria Rosana Cruz


WORD Editor on the Road: Local News, Slim Pickins …

Monday, May 31st, 2010

Outside of Walmart Supercenter, 3300 Iowa Street. A second Walmart, not so super, located at 550 Congressional Drive. A news shot of the day.

… This past Saturday-Sunday in Lawrence, Kansas, Douglas County, population 90,520 (circa July, 2008), up 13 percent from 2000 [U.S. Census] and not including KU student enrollment of an estimated 30,000, with five Zip Codes, according to local Lawrence Journal-World. Online-print (circulation about 75,000 according to Newspaper Association of America), did publish a story, following up on the sports-ticket-crisis-scam-controversy.

Walmart “Low Prices”sums up Saturday-Sunday as seen, that is, perceived to be seen, by the local news media.