Archive for November, 2009
Begged to Be Published Even If Late
Monday, November 9th, 2009Jonathan Mena’s Pictorial Wrap Up of the 2009 Mayoral Race …
Monday, November 9th, 2009… As Seen Through the Vista of the Images Taken at the Election Night HQ of William C. Thompson III
Part 2
Jonathan Mena’s Pictorial Wrap Up of the 2009 Mayoral Race …
Monday, November 9th, 2009… As Seen Through the Vista of the Images Taken at the Election Night HQ of William C. Thompson III
Part 1
November 3, 2009, William Thompson III’s Election Night Headquarters
Sunday, November 8th, 2009The WORD’s Senior Editors/Producers Andrea Leon, Ashley Carpenter and Jonathan Mena were there. Pictures, blogs, video/YouTube are in the works. Yep, even though the election is bye-bye there is still news that needs to be reported.
Stay tune.

Senior Editor Andrea Leone, far left; Senior Editor Ashley Carpenter, center, videotaping. Senior Editor Jonathan Mena not in this picture.
Post Script:
Obama’s Embrace, Lukewarm. A Judas Kiss?
Sunday, November 8th, 2009Sometime deep into the evening of November 3 at the Election Night HQ of William C. Thompson III, NY Governor David Patterson, who had received a tepid applause after he took to the podium, said what needed to be said as a surge swept the Hilton third-floor room that an upset could be in the making as Thompson’s numbers seemed to be growing strongly in the hours after the polls had closed: QMfE, “A lot of Democrats this day stayed home, dropped the ball.” He spoke about an hour before the tenor of the evening, subtle but obvious, began tipping to OMG, he/we might actually defeat the Term Limits billion dollar mayor.
Then, of course, that surge tanked.
Bill Thompson Skipping Staten Island and the 11 p.m. Victory Speech
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009By Jonathan Mena
WORD Senior Editor/Producer
Bill Thompson, who spent the day trying to get last minute votes, was surprisingly absent from Staten Island. A communication staff member, who requested anonymity, said Thompson was only concentrating on the boroughs “he knows he will win.†Bloomberg, who has been very present in Staten Island, made sure to visit the forgotten borough today. The conservative leaning borough overwhelmingly voted for McCain in the last presidential election. Was race a factory in that? In this?
2009 Mayoral Race: Low Voter Turnout – Yawn
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009By Jonathan Mena
WORD Senior Editor/Producer
New York City – Reminiscent of this past September’s New York Democratic Primary, low voter turnout is expected for today’s Mayoral race. News outlets in New York have been giving more attention to the Governors race in Jersey than the Mayors race in New York. Although Thompson is gaining on the Billionaire Mayor, according to news and polling information, he will need a Hail Mary toss to beat Bloomberg and his double-digit lead.
What Is the Republican Party?
Monday, November 2nd, 2009By Ed Kent
The withdrawal of the Republican candidate in favor of a Conservative party nominee in upstate N.Y. looks to be all too symbolic of more things to come.
How Many Killed Today?
Monday, November 2nd, 2009By Ed Kent
November 1 – It is a well known fact that our leading newspapers are laying off reporters who are qualified to do in depth research. The news that reaches most Americans comes from TV and radio channels focused on advertising catching stuff – the latest child murder, serial killers, and occasional news flashes or largely brief and interrupted interviews with some knowledgeable and other intentionally deceiving commentators.
Personally, I scan a series of net sources each day that I can trust and listen to a few in depth interview programs and then do my blogs. The knowledgeable people have made it clear that Afghanistan is not Iraq.
John Allen Muhammad, Requiescat in Pace
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009Sniper Who Killed 10 Is Executed in Virginia – New York Times. D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad executed by lethal injection in Virginia – NY Daily News.
Instead of R.I.P., JAM should be rotting in a cell for many, many years, watching the light at the end of his tunnel closing in on him, inexorably and painfully.
Capital punishment should not be practiced in a civilized society.
Tags:capital punishment, D.C. sniper, John Allen Muhammad
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