… As Seen Through the Vista of the Images Taken at the Election Night HQ of William C. Thompson III
Posts Tagged ‘2009 Mayoral Election’
Jonathan Mena’s Pictorial Wrap Up of the 2009 Mayoral Race …
Monday, November 9th, 2009Jonathan Mena’s Pictorial Wrap Up of the 2009 Mayoral Race …
Monday, November 9th, 2009… As Seen Through the Vista of the Images Taken at the Election Night HQ of William C. Thompson III
Part 1
November 3, 2009, William Thompson III’s Election Night Headquarters
Sunday, November 8th, 2009The WORD’s Senior Editors/Producers Andrea Leon, Ashley Carpenter and Jonathan Mena were there. Pictures, blogs, video/YouTube are in the works. Yep, even though the election is bye-bye there is still news that needs to be reported.
Stay tune.

Senior Editor Andrea Leone, far left; Senior Editor Ashley Carpenter, center, videotaping. Senior Editor Jonathan Mena not in this picture.
Post Script:
Thompson Claims Victory in Last Mayoral Debate
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009Definitely Not Warp Speed, Not Quite Coup de Grace
Friday, October 23rd, 2009Mayoral Candidate William C. Thompson III appeared at the Kaye Playhouse yesterday evening and pictures and photos are still being processed. Definitely not warped speed here. Nevertheless, the WORD’s Jonathan Mena was there blogging and Twittering live.
Bill Thompson Skipping Staten Island and the 11 p.m. Victory Speech
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009Bill Thompson entering his Hilton Headquarters in midtown.
By Jonathan Mena
WORD Senior Editor/Producer
Bill Thompson, who spent the day trying to get last minute votes, was surprisingly absent from Staten Island. A communication staff member, who requested anonymity, said Thompson was only concentrating on the boroughs “he knows he will win.†Bloomberg, who has been very present in Staten Island, made sure to visit the forgotten borough today. The conservative leaning borough overwhelmingly voted for McCain in the last presidential election. Was race a factory in that? In this?
Tags:2009 Mayoral Election, Bill Thompson, Michael Bloomberg, New York City Mayor
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