Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

A Facebook Prophet

Saturday, July 5th, 2014

friedaPeople Stat Blog (more…)

Blogs Wane as the Young Drift to Sites Like Twitter – New York Times

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Blogs were once the outlet of choice for people who wanted to express themselves online. But with the rise of sites like Facebook and Twitter, they are losing their allure for many people – particularly the younger generation. — Verne G. Kopytof, NYT, February 21.

Blogging’s soaring popularity reminded me of the mass appeal of  Citizen Band Radio when it was hot. Everyone had a handle. T.B. Knight was my moniker. After a while the sizzle faded. The amateurs had had enough. And the airwave returned  to the highway cops and the truckers who were using it before its mass appeal.  QMfE, “The same thing’s going to happen to blogging,” I told my students.


Have This Need for Speed But Big Brother Says Slow Down

Saturday, February 20th, 2010


A WORD Update

Monday, June 22nd, 2009

I’ve been experimenting with a variety of strategies regarding media devices and so-called social networking media like blogging, youtube, facebook, myspace, UWIRE, twitter, Current TV, et. al., so that, one, my classroom instruction, and two, my professional interests/goals, can try to keep up with the burgeoning technological advances in communication, i.e., the dissemination of news and news-like information.

I’ve been doing this as D:F/M gurus seem committed to D:F/M being as far behind innovation and creativity as an academic department can be during these robust times. I also have been experimenting with new forms of news-narrative-storytelling, such as in my feature writing class for the last few semesters (though the course should be named in-depth reporting or something even more imaginative).
