Posts Tagged ‘Babara Bowen’

Me Thinks Hunter College PSC Chapter Chair Flaunts Too Many Facades

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

PSC Chapter Chair trying to intimidate a Colleague at D:F/M faculty meeting. Bullying is a cherished tradition in D:F/M.


Recalling the Epic Battles of this Millenia: Wolf Man vs. Dracula, Freddie vs. Jason, Alien vs. Predator – At Hunter College It’s Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014


D:F/M Colleague Tami Gold, AKA Hunter College PSC Chapter Chair, (seen above trying to intimidate a Colleague at a department meeting with her teenie-weenie camera in video mode, according to her comment at the time) has been relentless, by any means necessary, in her pursuit of sullying the image, exposing the faults and omissions, real or imaginary, of Hunter College President Jennifer Raab.

Gold is Professional Staff Congress President Barbara Bowen’s single-focused pit bull targeting Jennifer Raab, who, a while back, was limned in New York Times and Chronicle of Higher Education news accounts as a bully-of-sorts.
