Archive for the ‘Journalism’ Category

It’s Been One of Those Semesters

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Crisis in Journalism: A Microcosm

The battle in D:F/M over the direction of  the journalism curriculum (reflecting the many conflicts of the internecine war of several years also ongoing in D:F/M) forced me into a publish or perish mode. This post is one of the results.

I know from spending time at the Poynter Institute, visiting the McCormick Foundation, being involved with numerous projects and activities of  New America Media, the New York Times Foundation, New York Community Media Alliance, the Ford Foundation, and so many more other activities, and reviewing studies and proposals and engaging in forums and discussions  – I engage more than any other Colleague in my department if not at the College – that the discussions and battles and intrigue resonating and burning in D:F/M reflect in some ways what is going on in the business and profession at large.

I’ve also been re-reading The Reconstruction of American Journalism by Leonard Downie Jr. and Michael Schudson. It was released in October, 2009. And I’m planning to use it in my journalism ethics and responsibility class this semester.

Other college and university programs are probably wrestling with this issue of burgeoning technological change but most, I am assuming, eschew the maniacal internecine struggles that threaten students’ education. My Colleagues are just too cavalier about the curriculum.

So, I’m posting here a draft of an opinion that was written in Spring, 2009, but for reasons I can’t recall was never disseminated in my department – or at least it appears it was never sent – though many of the themes and topics have been circulated  by me for years. Now, that my department is on the verge of voting on curriculum changes that I’ve been saying for a long, long time are antediluvian and effete that I have made clear that I will not support when it comes to a vote, I am publishing here one of what I call an A Cassandra Moment.

This is the crux of the issue. The Powers That Be in D:F/M have been flummoxed by the burgeoning technology. The students enrolling in D:F/M classes, however, are media savvy, that is, they have been using media extensively well before they ever enrolled in our classes. They write. They use photographs. They produce videos. They do a lot more.

Flummoxed, D:F/M Colleagues have opted for not to address the change happening rapidly before their eyes.

So …


It Was One of Those Semesters

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

Got so wrapped up in events on campus that I missed one I really wanted to do off-campus in 2010:

Dear J-School and Media Educator Colleagues,

On behalf of Sandy and all of us at NAM, we would like to follow-up on our invitation for you and your staff for our upcoming 40th Anniversary celebration on Nov. 12. More details in the invite below. It will be an intimate and memorable evening with our alumni and long-time supporters and partners, including you and your universities/organizations.


2010: The Year in Pictures – New York Times

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

Haunting similarities between the images of earthquake ravaged Haiti and Katrina ravaged New Orleans. Click here for Times link.

“Gov. Paterson Regrets Not Telling Daniel Cicciaro Jr.’s Family Before Pardoning John Harris White” – New York Daily News

Friday, December 24th, 2010

The pardon was well within the purview of a sitting Governor, lame or otherwise, especially for an inmate – a law biding citizen who had never been in trouble with the law – who,  ambushed by fate, erred in a fatal decision and ended up serving a 2-to-4 year term for manslaughter and weapons possession. Nothing wrong here.

But one has to wonder how no one on Patterson’s staff thought of contacting the Cicciaros.


Suspicious Package at Herald Square

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Looking South on Sixth Avenue, Herald Square.

After arriving at the Herald Square area about 1:30 p.m. from a doctor’s appointment – I biked in from Second Avenue and East 36th Street – and planning to hop the PATH back to Jersey City, and then seeing all the NYPDs coming into the area and POs roping off corners, and wondering what catastrophe was in the works until I heard a PO bark at a bunch of people to “move back” and maybe hearing something like, QMfE, “You don’t want to be near here … bomb,” or something like that, I started scurrying for a good shot.


I Really Hate It …

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

… When They Wrap Themselves Around the Pole

And many of my students wouldn’t even “see” this scene.

The DREAM Act Could Go Before Congress Today

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

By Sandy Close Executive
Director New America Media

Over 60 million adults access ethnic media. Their voices should be heard by lawmakers considering this important piece of immigration legislation. Let your voices ring out.

Support the Dream Act THIS WEEK! – America Needs It!

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

New America Media says: Over 60 million adults access ethnic media. Their voices should be heard by lawmakers considering this important piece of immigration legislation this week. If ethnic media across the country carry this button on their websites this week, it will send a powerful message to lawmakers about the civic engagement of our communities. —By Sandy Close, Executive Director, New America Media.

Read more here:
Harry Potter is a DREAM Act Kid

It’s Been One of Those Semesters – 3

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Part 3 of 4: The Response to the Envoy’s Response

Jesse Lent’s comments are in bold.

Date: Sat Oct 16 08:41:13 EDT 2010
From: Gregg Morris
Subject: Re: Attention Envoy Editor-in-Chief Ming Fearon (Short Version)
To: “Jesse Lent, Envoy News”


It’s Been One of Those Semesters – 2

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

Part 2 of 4: The Envoy Responds

—- Original message —-
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:46:21 -0400

From: “Jesse Lent, Envoy News”
Subject: Re: Attention Envoy Editor-in-Chief Ming Fearon (Short Version)
Cc:, Andrea Zaharieva ,

Dear Professor Morris:
