If this writer had been thinking clearly, he would have known that there would have to be a Part 2. And maybe even a 3. Braggadocio definitely on center stage but there is more. Tomorrow, Sunday, CNN’s Reliable Sources, will feature some pundits talking about the McChrystal affair. I can’ wait to see it.
However, I still like what I wrote in Part 1, that the General’s mooning of the Obama administration was contempt expressed in act of desperation. Regardless of what others have, might or will say. And I especially like this excerpt from Frank Rich of the New York Times:
There were few laughs in the 36 hours of tumult, but Jon Stewart captured them with a montage of cable-news talking heads expressing repeated shock that an interloper from a rock ’n’ roll magazine could gain access to the war command and induce it to speak with self-immolating candor. Politico theorized that Hastings had pulled off his impertinent coup because he was a freelance journalist rather than a beat reporter, and so could risk “burning bridges by publishing many of McChrystal’s remarks.”
That sentence was edited out of the article — in a routine updating, said Politico — after the blogger Andrew Sullivan highlighted it as a devastating indictment of a Washington media elite too cozy with and protective of its sources to report the unvarnished news.
Love it.
Full Rich Op Ed – The 36 Hours That Shook Washington – here.
The DREAM Act Could Go Before Congress Today
Wednesday, December 8th, 2010By Sandy Close Executive

Director New America Media
Over 60 million adults access ethnic media. Their voices should be heard by lawmakers considering this important piece of immigration legislation. Let your voices ring out.
Tags:ethnicity, Immigrant Issues, President Obama, U.S. Congress
Posted in Ethnic News, I Didn't See This on the Evening News (A Work in Progress), Journalism, Journalism Education, New America Media, News/Commentary/Opinion, Student Journalism | Comments Closed