Was race a factor in the death of NYPD Officer Omar Edwards?
Was Officer Andrew Duton acting like a racist? Trash that question. Better ones are: Does he live in a racist society? Was his fatal mistake the result of his growing up and living in a racist society? What was his mindset at the moment he squeezed off several shots? Would he have shot a white man, woman or child under similar circumstances?
Who the hell is capable of answering such questions considering the epistemological challenges, regardless of the torrent of news reporting as well as commentary manipulated to look like news reporting?
No one.
Google, this date, listed 1,184 links to news stories about Omar Edwards’s slaying. Yet, every sane New Yorker, however, knows the answer to this one: When was the last time a black NYPD officer mistakenly shot a white police officer under similar circumstances?
WORD Editor on the Road – Slow Postings Last Several Days
Friday, May 28th, 2010In Lawrence, Kansas, Visiting Family
Just the typical car fire in a Lawrence, KS, Walmart parking lot.
Tags:car fires, KU ticket scandal, Rutgers University, Rutgers University athletic scandal, University of Kansas, Walmart
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