WORD Writer Frankie Garcia and WORD Senior Editor/Producer Kisha Allison covered a rally and lobbying effort in Albany, March 10 to convince the legislator to repeal the Rockefeller Drug Laws. They both took pictures and Allison’s planning on expanding on their multimedia reporting later this week in the WORD. Picture below was taken by Garcia.

I bet no one saw this image on the evening news, March 10, 2009
“Drop the Rock!”
Saturday, March 14th, 2009WORD Writer Frankie Garcia and WORD Senior Editor/Producer Kisha Allison covered a rally and lobbying effort in Albany, March 10 to convince the legislator to repeal the Rockefeller Drug Laws. They both took pictures and Allison’s planning on expanding on their multimedia reporting later this week in the WORD. Picture below was taken by Garcia.
I bet no one saw this image on the evening news, March 10, 2009
Tags:Albany, lobbying, Rockefeller Drug Laws
Posted in I Didn't See This on the Evening News (A Work in Progress), Journalism, Journalism Education, News/Commentary/Opinion | Comments Closed