Posts Tagged ‘computer programming for journalists’

Attention Savvy, Enterprising Journalism Students: “Programming for Everyone”

Saturday, May 16th, 2009

I posted the following on Hunter-L, the College listserv:

Someone has been posting notices in the North Building about this course, “Programming for Everyone,” CSCI, 133, Registration Code: 5020. Only 23 seats. Summer session.

I strongly suggest savvy, enterprising J-students to enroll ASAP if possible. A brief description from – “If you’re in any of the sciences or maths then you know you’re going to write some programs eventually, and, if you’re in the arts, then you want to create new media.”

Whoa! Sounds like a prescription for journalism students, especially those with entrepreneurial instincts. It’s only a matter of time before serious journalism programs start considering programming instruction (uh oh, turf war) for their best students.

Hop the wave now before the stampede. Can’t get in the class? Do the minor later on.


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