Let’s see what happens with this:
October 31, 2009
Paul J. Browne
Deputy Commissioner, Public Information
One Police Plaza – Room 1320 
New York, N.Y. 10038
Dear Deputy Police Commissioner Browne,
On Friday, October 23, about 2 p.m., I arrived at City Hall to videotape footage of the front of City Hall for a student journalism project and was told by the officer operating the screening machine that I couldn’t pass through because “they” didn’t want anyone to videotape the building. So, I am writing to learn what are the guidelines. This was not my first time at City Hall to take pictures and/or videotape, so I would like to know if there are have been any changes.
Gregg Morris
Assistant Professor
Hunter Collegegmorris@hunter.cuny.edu
Sent to Cristine Quinn, Speaker, 12:41 a.m. October 26
Center for Communication Annual Frank Stanton Award Luncheon, October 29, 2009, Pierre Hotel, New York City
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009Other Co-Chairs: Leslie Moonves, President & CEO, CBS Corporation; Katherine Oliver, Commissioner, New York City Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre and Broadcasting and Acting President & General Manager of New York City Media Group; Ivan G. Seidenberg, Chairman & CEO, Verizon Communications, Inc.; David Zaslav, President & CEO, Discovery Communications; Martin Nisenholtz, Senior Vice President, Digital Operations, The New York Times Company; Richard Plepler, Co-President, HBO; Sir Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO & President, Sony Corporation; Jeff Zucker, President & CEO, NBC Universal.
The Center has always been a strong supporter of Hunter students for many years because this is the campus where the Center pioneered its panel discussions for selected college campuses.
Tags:Center for Communication, Hunter students
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