By Mark Green, Huffington Post
Host, ‘Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin’,Columnist, the New York Observer
*Posted: August 4, 2010 09:21 A.M. — I know this isn’t exactly news but … neither is Fox. If the FTC could theoretically apply deceptive advertising laws to television content, there would be an hourly disclaimer on Murdoch’s network, “Video ads brought to you by the RNC” (e.g., Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee are employees). For professional reasons, I watch a lot of Fox News. And it’s not easy to fully convey its nightly mendacity.
Read entire column here.

* Playing catchup but catching up is happening.
Fox’s Six Tricks: How to Spot the Next Sherrod
Sunday, August 29th, 2010By Mark Green, Huffington Post
Host, ‘Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin’,Columnist, the New York Observer
*Posted: August 4, 2010 09:21 A.M. — I know this isn’t exactly news but … neither is Fox. If the FTC could theoretically apply deceptive advertising laws to television content, there would be an hourly disclaimer on Murdoch’s network, “Video ads brought to you by the RNC” (e.g., Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee are employees). For professional reasons, I watch a lot of Fox News. And it’s not easy to fully convey its nightly mendacity.
Read entire column here.
* Playing catchup but catching up is happening.
Tags:Fox News, Huffington Post, Nightly News
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