USA Today, AP Mislead on Honduran Coup - 9/24/09: This week, ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned to Tegucigalpa – though not to office. Unfortunately, press accounts are still misreporting the story behind his ouster, relying on those who supported the coup to supply the explanation for their actions.
More here.

Action Alert – FAIR
Friday, September 25th, 2009USA Today, AP Mislead on Honduran Coup - 9/24/09: This week, ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned to Tegucigalpa – though not to office. Unfortunately, press accounts are still misreporting the story behind his ouster, relying on those who supported the coup to supply the explanation for their actions.
More here.
Tags:associated press, FAIR, Honduran Coup, Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, news criticism, USA Today
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