New America Media says: Over 60 million adults access ethnic media. Their voices should be heard by lawmakers considering this important piece of immigration legislation this week. If ethnic media across the country carry this button on their websites this week, it will send a powerful message to lawmakers about the civic engagement of our communities. —By Sandy Close, Executive Director, New America Media.

Read more here:
— The WORD
— Harry Potter is a DREAM Act Kid
Support the Dream Act THIS WEEK! – America Needs It!
Tuesday, December 7th, 2010New America Media says: Over 60 million adults access ethnic media. Their voices should be heard by lawmakers considering this important piece of immigration legislation this week. If ethnic media across the country carry this button on their websites this week, it will send a powerful message to lawmakers about the civic engagement of our communities. —By Sandy Close, Executive Director, New America Media.
Read more here:
— The WORD
— Harry Potter is a DREAM Act Kid
Tags:Dream Act, Ethnic Journalism, ethnic news media, New Immigrants
Posted in Ethnic News, I Didn't See This on the Evening News (A Work in Progress), Journalism, Journalism Education, New America Media, News/Commentary/Opinion, Student Journalism | Comments Closed