Posts Tagged ‘college new services’

Chronicle of Higher Ed: UWIRE Not Wired

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

Previous WORD Blogs:

1) First WORD Blog post about the death of UWIRE.
2) UWIRE General Manager Tom Orr criticizes WORD Blog post.
3) Chastised for alleged mistakes in a post, WORD Blog does the mea culpa.

Now: November 3, Chronicle of Higher Education story about UWIRE. One paragraph excerpted:

“UWIRE, a popular service that aggregated articles from student newspapers across the country, promoting student journalism both within higher education and to the outside world, has disappeared. Visits to the Web site in October returned a “problem loading page” message. Student newspapers that relied on the service to republish articles from other newspapers haven’t heard a word. Student editors who were paid to scour campus papers to find content for the site received an abrupt e-mail message on October 4 telling them the site was being “temporarily suspended” but offering no explanation as to why. They still haven’t received payment for their work in September, some said.”
Full story here.

UWIRE ran out of $$$. So, why all the earlier secrecy and subsequent growling when this humble site was trying to find out what had happened?