Archive for June, 2013

Ode to a D:F/M Legacy

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013
Peter Parisi: Self Anointed Chaperone for the Aronson Awards for Social Justice Journalism

Peter Parisi

It was several years ago that Colleague Peter Parisi, inspired by a muse yet to be understood or identified – but I have suspicions that it is as old as time itself – emailed our D:F/M Colleagues that he had decided that the WORD, a collaborative creation between me and my students, and a primary teaching tool, awarded several grants from the College, the FORD Foundation and others, with a stellar reputation and track record for helping students with career decisions, was passé and that it was time for the department to support the Hunts Point Express which had been started by Colleague Bernard Stein.

I still have my copy of the Parisi email.
