Following Up June 16 Email
Make NYS Healthy Workplace Bill a Law in 2017 Campaign
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:51 PM
The New York Healthy Workplace Associates said it is working with key legislators to revise the current bill and seems cautiously optimistic that the revision can improve its chances of becoming law. I don’t have specific details but NYHWA says it will make an official announcment when a final draft is written.
Contact information: 1)Facebook, 2) 3)
Background: When the bill was first introduced several years ago, influential corporate news media like the NY Times and CBS were supportive – links below are to stories in that 2008 – 2009 period. One story even showed up on ABC’s Good Morning America. There was support in Albany in terms of legislators lined up to vote but the bill was held up behind the scenes by former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.
Things did not improve much after Silver stepped down, indicating the lack of support by other Albany leaders even there was more public discussion about workplace bullying. Too many stories, especially in the past year or two, in my opinion, follow this popular angle of telling readers and viewers how to deal with bullying as individuals. None ever mention the Healthy Workplace Bill. Though some of the information makes practical sense, I think it’s too much to ask individuals to take on their institutions. The laws against workplace discrimination are in need of revisement.
Stories from those times when the news media was doing a good job of getting the word out:
I’ve sent occasional reminders to the NYT (News desk and other links) recalling the last time the NYT did a story. I don’t know if that does any good but I’m hoping it doesn’t hurt the effort.
Gregg Morris
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Film and Media Studies
Hunter College

Celebration for the D:F/M Chair, Jay Roman. I should have called for a toast to Luis Buñuel, who would have appreciated this fête.
Tags: Academic Bullying, Andrew J Polsky New York State Assembly, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Bill Williams, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Christa Davis Acampora, Eija Ayravainen, Faculty Delegate Assembly, FDA, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, Harold Newman Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, Hunter College, HUnter College Faculty Delegate Assembly, Hunter College FDA President, Hunter College Ombuds Office, Hunter College Ombudsman, Hunter College Senate, Hunter College Senate Chair, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James B. Milliken, James Roman, Jennifer Raab, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, John Wallach, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, LumpenGoombah, LumpenGoombahAwards, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, New York State Senate, Peter Jackson, Peter Parisi, Professional Staff Congress, PSC, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Sissel McCarthy, Sissell McCarthy, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, The Peter Jackson Who Signed the Petition, Thomas DeGloma, Timothy Portlock, Tony Doyle, Vita C. Rabinowitz, workplace bullying