More Thoughts About Colleague Larry Shore’s Request to Post on the WORD Blog – Part II

A copy of his request, essentially a Kinky, Kitschy, Klutzy piece of sophomoric prevarication, is included below. But first, context. Because Colleague Larry Shore’s comments are an excellent example of The Sleaze That Greases the Wheels.

Logo revision in the works.

Logo revision in the works.

So far, phony violations in D:F/M have targeted one black professor and one former staff member, also black. A race thing taking place in D:F/M? I wouldn’t be surprised. Colleagues at the department meeting of a while back expected me to go along with their resolution with its bogus description of the Chair’s “Hit me … hit me” moment. I refused, of course.

Shore and I have crossed swords in hallway close encounters of a belligerent kind, though not recently. Those were bellicose moments when I couldn’t determine if his posturing meant he was actually looking for a fight or if he was baiting me or if he was bluffing in that whacky, stylized macho manner adapted by Colleagues. More about this later.

Nevertheless, he has been rallying support trying to thwart my exposés on Hunter-L, the College main listserv, and fm-l, the department listserv, about D:F/M debauchery. Shore has been moderately successful. The latest revision of guidelines for posting on Hunter-L, I learned from an Hunter-L honcho, was directed at one person: Me. Hunter-L honchoes don’t want me publishing D:F/M’s “dirty laundry” on the College’s main listserv. But the successes he and his allies in the Hunter College Senate and in other campus areas have resulted in blowback and there is more blowback to come – though not to be discussed here, however.

A moment from the past: A while back Shore chaired a department grade appeals committee that gave a passing grade to a student whom I flunked in an advanced reporting class. Let’s go with her first name. Catherine-G had hit a trifecta: One, cheating; two, disrupting class; and, three, menacing a lab computer with a bottle of water. She fled the lab and sought help from the department chair after Campus Security showed up. She followed the path of one of her classmates. Let’s go with Betty-B. Betty-B, upset about her grades and pissed off about the way I taught the class, unloosed a “fuck-shit” volley when she realized she wasn’t going to have her way in my class.

I called Campus Security but she fled, “fuck-shitting” out the door and to the Department Chair. I filed a complaint with the Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee. I would have also flunked her but the Chair subsequently convinced the Dean’s Office to remove her officially from the class and she was no longer listed on the class roster. And enrolled her in another class. It was if she had never been enrolled in my class. She got a good passing grade from another instructor after she was officially enrolled in that class about six weeks before the end of the semester.

The grade appeals committee, Bob Stanley and erstwhile Colleague Pulitzer Price Winner Bernard Stein, gave Catherine-G.  credit for the class. And in their decision, written by Shore, recommended that I should be investigated for allegedly harassing her. I appealed to the Hunter Senate Grade Appeals Committee, as I have done many times in the past, essentially another step on the ever lengthening paper trail ofacademic debauchery, and prevailed. The Senate, however, didn’t address the bogus allegation that I had harassed the student by flunking her.

The Ombudsman at the time, Professor Bill Williams, refused to act on my complaint. More about him later.

More later about The Sleaze That Greases the Wheels. Larry Shore’s comments follow.

Open comments on your blog
Larry Shore []
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 12:14 PM
To: Greggory w Morris

Dear Gregg
I read your Wordblog regularly, as I do other department publications, and read that you are a
supporter of Freedom of Speech and a strong opponent of censorship and bullying.
I support all of these.

I am therefore requesting that in order to uphold these principles, and to be consistent,
that you open the to comments.

It is simply not right and fair in a world of a market place of ideas
that you are able to take ongoing potshots at the FM faculty on your blog
without anyone, including the faculty, being able to reply.

You are entitled to your views but others should be able to reply.

I wont even go into all the various attacks – without any evidence- you direct at a number of us.

It is a matter of funidamental fairness and the free flow of information.
No one channel can be allowed to dominate if it is the only channel.

None of us have blogs like you attached to a “college online newspaper” which attack you.

To not allow responses is nothing other than censorship of alternate views. The free Flow of Information
requires a two way flow of information so that people can evaluate the arguments and make their own decisions.

For you to use your blog for ongoing attacks on colleagues with numerous undocumented accusations,
without allowing a right of reply is nothing other than a type of bullying.

I have read many of your posts about bullying and your actions qualify.

Some examples:

A Wajngurt snippet: “Elizabeth Farrington, an expert on women in higher education, defines campus bullying as behavior at colleges and universities that tends “to threaten, to intimidate, to humiliate or to isolate members of the working university environment [and] that undermines reputation or job performance.” It occurs frequently …”

Bullying is an escalating process in which the person who is bullied is in an inferior position. Bullying in the workplace is an act of aggression, and it is associated with high stress levels and lack of collegiality. The bullying employer demeans, humiliates, and intimidates employees as individuals.

So I look forward to you living up to your opposition to censorship and opening your blog to comments.

Yours sincerely

Larry Shore

Colleague Shore’s email opens a door for discourse about colleagues, especially two film Colleagues, Ivone Margulies and Joel Zucker.


Gregg Morris, editor of the WORD and this site.

Gregg Morris, editor of the WORD and this site.

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