Just in case the above pictures were too small for real scrutinizing.
Taking the mugshots to Albany and identifying the ones who signed off on the phony Violence in the Workplace complaints; the ones who engaged in direct bullying, the ones who engage in indirect bullying, the ones who support it.
Et. Al.

PSC Chapter Chair loses her cool at a faculty meeting; seen here trying to intimidate a Colleague by pointing a teenie-weenie digital camera at him and recording him.

Gregg Morris, editor of the WORD and this site.
Tags: Academic Bullying, Andrew Lund, Arnold Gibbons, Bernard Stein, Billy d Herman, campus bullying, Carolyn Kane, Greggory w Morris, Gustavo Mercado, Isabel c Pinedo, Ivone Margulies, James Roman, Joe McElhaney, Joel Zuker, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Martin Lucas, Mick Hurbis-Cherrier, New York Healthy Workplace Advocates, Peter Parisi, Ricardo Miranda, Robert Stanley, S3863/A4965 – The NYS Healthy Workplace Bill, Shanti k Thakur, Steve Gorelick, Stuart Ewen, Tami Gold, Timothy Portlock, workplace bullying