My Ford Foundation Grant: Significant Events Cited in Final Report

The WORD received considerable interest and support and that led to it receiving press credentials from the Independent Press Association (now known as the New York Community Media Alliance) for two students to join a cadre of professional news reps from 10 NYCMA member organizations to report on the New Hampshire Primaries in January, 2008. The students reported on rallies and news conferences and met with the University of New Hampshire survey center associate director who briefed all the journalists about the primaries.

And the success of that trip led to the WORD receiving press credentials for three students to report on the Democratic National Convention.And the College helped cover part of their expenses. As this report was being finalized, the WORD was being considered for press credentials by New America Media to report on the Presidential Inauguration. Four students plus this instructor have already found housing in Washington D.C. and are planning to go. However, New America Media, which is based in San Francisco,, and TK, said it could not guarantee press access. The College has offered to cover expenses and is considering purchasing additional equipment.

My students news reporting projects have been selected for a number of websites, including the New York Civil Liberties Union, I-Reports of CNN as well as some footage being used by CNN. And the WORD is regularly invited to events organized by New America Media and New York Community Media Alliance for journalists working at ethnic-immigrant news organizations.

New America Media and this instructor are discussing multimedia projects for the spring semester, including one that would require students to produce one or two 15-30 minute mini-documentaries for its annual celebration of ethnic news media and their journalists in May, 2009.


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