… instead of the above headline from the recent issue of the Hunter Alumni magazine article about Kisha Allison, Jonathan Mena and Jacqueline Fernandez at the Democratic National Convention. Why?
Media is so vague though Journalism obviously is part of the media kingdom and too many undergraduate media programs are weak but their popularity conceals the shortcomings. I’m not splitting hairs nor am I concerned with what political and editorial decisions were involved in this editorial decision. The College helped with funding for the Denver trip to the Democratic National Convention and offered to help with expenses for the D.C. trip. So, I ain’t sniping. Just wondering.
At the time the article was being prepared, we – Mena, Allison, Fernandez, New America Media, which also helped with funding for the Denver trip, NAM editor Anthony Advincula, who has been strongly supporting the students, and I – weren’t sure if press credentials would be available since millions of people wanted to attend the inauguration and legions and legions of journalists wanted press access.
The students were insistent that they were going to go regardless of the availability of the press credentials. From January, 2008, to January, 2009, – encompassing the New Hampshire Primaries, Democratic National Convention, Presidential Inauguration and everything else not mentioned here – they were embarked on a remarkable journey, trekking, it seems, from one historical event to another where they demonstrated remarkable aplomb for gaining access to news events where  professional journalists were thwarted.
A hell of a learning experience, that’s for sure.
The alumni magazine article became available as Fernandez and Mena returned from the Presidential Inauguration where they stood shoulder to shoulder with journalists from around the world. Â Allison couldn’t make the trip because of a sudden emergency demanding her attention. However, Luis Mostacero, another WORD writer who also writes part-time for the Long Island-based Noticia Hispanoamericana, trekked south as if he was filling in for her. Actually, Fernandez, Mena and Allison had been concerned about recruiting him and other students involved with the multimedia news reporting project funded by the Ford Foundation. The project, plus help from NAMÂ and the College, helped them on their historic paths.
For this most recent historic trek, Fernandez came up with housing and Mostacero, who got his press credentials via his newspaper, helped the other two WORD writers get their credentials.
As of this date, only the print version is available. I’m not sure when the pdf-version will be available.
Below, pictures from Mena’s photobucket:
Tags: 2008 Democratic National Convention, 2009 Presidential Inauguration, Hunter College Alumni Magazine, Jacqueline Fernandez, Jonathan Mena, journalism, journalism education, Kisha Allison, Luis Mostacero, Noticia Hispanoamericana