I Took a Bow
That is, I and two other professors were given a honorable mention early in the program honoring Matthew C. Blank, Chairman and CEO of Showtime Networks Inc. for its annual toast/roast luncheon at The Pierre Hotel, Fifth Avenue at 61st Street: The honor for working with the Center in its mission to do great things for students.
The Center for Communication for several years offered Hunter students incredible opportunities to meet and network with representatives of the Captains of Industry for all venues of media, such as, but not limited to film, journalism, marketing, advertising, public relations. Put simply: As some professors invite guest speakers to their classes, the Center provided a panel discussion of big shots or their reps for meaningful lecture-discussion and an interactive opportunity for students. It was an additional educational effort for students unable to enjoy the largesse bestowed on students at campuses like NYU and Columbia University, to name a few.
More about this later.
The CfC project that I started was eventually suborned for Hunter students by interference of my two chairs who, in their ignominious attempts at vainglory self-aggrandizement, crippled the project for the Hunter campus.
More about this later.
Nevertheless, some D:F/M Colleagues, like Larry Shore, have, in a wry fashion, tried to keep up a public impression that there is still a connection between the Center and D:F/M. How? Instead of organizing, at the very least, the panel discussions and other opportunities for students, they post on the department listserv the Center’s schedule. That’s like using a supermarket flyer to promote the Academy Award ceremonies.
I kid you not.
More about this later.

Gregg Morris, WORD Editor
Tags: Center for Communication, curriculum, Department of Film and Media Studies at Hunter College, journalism, Media, public relations, students