The Slippery Ethical Slope for the Hunts Point Express?

D:F/M has been in a state of academic stasis for years and years but in recent years Colleagues have resorted to all manner of fabrications to cover up its failings. What follows reveals a venial sin/omission compared to a mortal sin/omission (catechism from Catholic  schools still resonates slightly). It also could be merely a mistake.


But it’s still stupid, nevertheless.

Journalism award for Hunter student
Hunter College Film and Media Studies [] on behalf of Bernard Stein []
You replied on 5/4/2013 10:34 AM.
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 3:46 PM
Hunter College honored Hunts Point Express reporter Kimberly Devi Milner with its James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism for her reporting in The Hunts Point Express and in Hunter’s student newspaper The Envoy. The full story is here:

Seriously flawed

Seriously flawed

Mistake? Stupid? The Award was conferred by the department not the College. For years, it annoyed me that the Aronson Powers That Be kept publicly claiming that it was supported by the College to give it an air that it didn’t have, that it failed to achieve. Here is an example of how infectious that can be.

The editor, a Pulitzer Prize winner, should know better.

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