Sarah What’s-Her-Name

Just finished watching the Sarah What’s-Her-Name segment of CNN’s Reliable Sources, an excellent show for a genre purporting to broadcast insightful commentary and analysis and news about news. Sometimes, however, the difficulties of producing a regular schedule of quality programming for this genre is evident – slow news week, bad news week – and banality can rule at times.

Nothing insightful this date, November 22. Nothing new, nothing gained.

Lots missed?

There should be more info about the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, WHERE and HOW of the Sarah What’s-Her-Name supporters or as much as possible about them as there is about SWHN. Mainstream news media and wannabes believe that distinguishing fact from fiction – stripping flesh to reveal bone – results in a job well done, ignoring the trump card Sarah What’s-Her-Name supporters can wield.

They are much more fascinating.

They need to be watched.

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