[A version of this post was sent to D:F/M Members Regarding the March 14 Faculty Meeting]
This rebuttal addresses comments of Colleagues Isabel Pinedo, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, Peter Parisi, Karen Hunter, Ricardo Miranda and Jay Roman at the last faculty meeting, especially the attack victimology embraced by several Colleagues and threats about censoring the WORD.
Peter Parisi and the Mets
”]Censor the WORD? Impose an editorial board? This Colleague fails to understand the consequences awaiting this department with an already sordid image. Fails to anticipate what will happen to his image? Thinks he is made of Teflon?
One plan under consideration is to address Colleague Parisi’s comments at the Aronson Awards. Also under consideration are leafleting, picketing. I might also announce a boycott. Maybe even a fast. Long ago I came to regard the Aronson Awards with suspicions based on complaints from students, including award winners. Also couldn’t help but notice serious conflicts and contradictions regarding so-called board members and, of course, there is that phony claim that the Awards is supported by the College. Ha!
Regarding Parisi’s comments about censoring the WORD, his comments delivered in that incredibly lame, theatrical fortissimo he’s been rehearsing for quite a while: He needs to review Sun Tzu’s Art of War chapters on pyrrhic victories, ignominious defeats, humiliating failures and Strategies for the Lumpen After the Shit Hits the Fan.
Ricardo Miranda
P-smirking Colleague Ricardo M said he was the victim of an attack because of the spotlight shined on him regarding his recording of minutes of department meetings. Though I’ve addressed this matter in another venue, I’ve yet to address it in a manner befitting someone like him.
Karen Hunter Still Loathes Atheists?
Karen Hunter-1. Karen Hunter 2. Karen Hunter 3.
Colleagues, we’ve got to stop her bolting from department meetings every time she gets wind that cyclonic winds are to be unleashed. She shouldn’t be allowed to slither out of the faculty meeting, imagining the patina of her team-winning Pulitzer Prize is still aglow or shrouds her in protection. Nevertheless, She was chattering incoherently as she was rising from her chair that March day, heading stage right. Her comments were inchoate and vague and obtuse, however, and I wanted to ask her, but didn’t, to repeat certain phrasings. It’s possible she could be still recovering from the just retribution of a really moronic attempt at sarcasm about Parking Meters a while back.
[I realIy don’t understand this fetish of Colleagues Roman and Hunter regarding parking meters but so be it. It is what it is.] Etcetera.
She wasn’t power smirking. I did detect a sneer, however. But that could be due to the ringing in her brain from the stinging rebuke – one in a myriad – on Hunter-L a while back by a Distinguished Colleague about the gross way she p-smirked on her infamous CNN-Paul Zahn episode [notated above] during her never-to-be-forgotten diatribe against atheists. Hunter-L roiled and churned in a frenzy, generating for this writer the kind of imagery seen in those Discover Channel scenes of Great White Sharks ripping chunks out of the carcass of some unfortunate sea creature.
This Colleague, however, did not participate in that cannibalistic feasting of a Colleague.
Jay Roman
Keep Colleague JR truckin. Four more years; eight more years. Whatever it takes. The stain on the department probably indelible, sure to inspire all manner of scapegoating about who’s responsible, but we need to be sure. That way, the Administration may offer all of us semesters off whenever we request them, with full salaries to boot, just to conceal the sleaze.
The Sleaze That Greases the Wheel
This has been an introductory first draft. For those who read this far: Below is the New Business item that didn’t see the light of day when it should have. [The Chair cut This Colleague off but The Chair didn’t summon Hc-5-0 and I’ve yet to hear from the Chair of the Violence in the Workplace Committee. It is what it is]. Etcetera.
March 13 D:F/M Faculty Meeting
Hi Tina,
New Business items:
Items for the agenda of the next faculty meeting, March 14. Under new business or at the top of the agenda is fine with me.
1) Jay Roman’s summoning HC-5-0 to expel Rashaan Doctor was disgraceful. That sentiment applies to his requiring staff to feed Parking Meters.
2) Colleagues and staff are using HC-5-0 & the Violence in the Workplace Committee to intimidate and silence dissent.
3) The image of the department is, recalling a Colleague’s comment of long ago about fight for control of the WORD, in the gutter. However, the personas of some individuals may be beyond reproach. But they might not be like that for long if issues are not addressed. We should discuss about who gets smeared and who doesn’t.
4) Colleague Tami Gold is upset at a blog post, and she and her cohorts want to comment about it at the next meeting? Fine. Colleagues in the department actually believe they can bait the administration to do something that they can’t? That should be addressed to.
G Morris
*Regarding Sun Tzu’s chapters: I exaggerated for effect.
The End.
Tags: Academic Bullying, academic fraud, academic freedom, academic freedom violations, bigotry on college campuses, Isabel Pinedo, Jay Roman, Karen Hunter, Kelly Anderson, Larry Shore, news censorship, Peter Parisi, racism on college campuses, Ricardo Miranda