Several years in the making.
If institutions of higher learning desire academic honesty, they must be institutions of obvious integrity, places where students, faculty, and administrators seek truth and wisdom and technical expertise in an environment marked by trust, honesty, respect, fairness, responsibility, and courage. — Peg Hogan, Former President, The Center for Academic Integrity
After several years of warfare with the D:F/M grading system (without a doubt, the most brazenly corrupt academic system in Hunter if not the University). After several years of tussling with 30-40P students (inspired by one of the most stupidly corrupt academic systems in the College if not the University). After years of angst, years of turmoil. Years and years of Sturm und Drang. All Over!
The angst, that is.
No, this doesn’t mean a jihad to be unleashed on students. It means no more anguishing.
Brazenly corrupt? Stupidly corrupt? Too many Colleagues With Influence believe that they can scurry about doing the scurrilous because they don’t live in a fishbowl. Yet, this is an age when everyone is trapped in a fishbowl as all manner of privacy is being scoped.  Little Brothers, like piranha, are challenging the Great White Shark Big Brother for the throne – and all manner of clandestineness is being shoved into a fishbowl.  The Internet erodes cloaking shields, yet, my Colleagues strut as they corrupt and believe they shimmy with impunity.
Anyway, classes ended yesterday. hallelujah. This was posted by the instructor on the 299.47 class wiki:
The semester has ended for Feature Writing, MEDP 299.47, section 1. Talent wise, this was one of the best classes considering the potential. Academic wise – that is, what took place in the course of the semester in terms of assignments – this was one of the most disappointing and that caught this instructor off guard.
However, there were some pleasant surprises regarding student achievements. Surprise was one of the surprising and pleasing elements of this semester.
Best to all, especially the students serious about their educational experience in this class.
More later.
Tags: academic failure, academic integrity, academic scams, Cheating, flunk, Fs, grades