Everly D. Brown …


Sign Petition to Stop Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying: When a person or group of people in a workplace single out another person for unreasonable, embarrassing, or intimidating treatment.

Usually the bully is a person in a position in authority who feels threatened by the victim, but in some cases the bully is a co-worker who is insecure or immature. Workplace bullying can be the result of a single individual acting as a bully or of a company culture that allows or even encourages this kind of negative behavior.

Sign Petition to Stop Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can take many forms: Shouting or swearing at an employee or otherwise verbally abusing him or her. One employee being singled out for unjustified criticism or blame. An employee being excluded from company activities or having his or her work or contributions purposefully ignored. Language or actions that embarrass or humiliate an employee. Practical jokes, especially if they occur repeatedly to the same person. There are also some things that are usually not considered workplace bullying: A manager who shouts at or criticizes all of his or her employees for example.

Sign Petition to Stop Workplace Bullying

Statistics show 1 in 6 Americans experience some form of workplace bullying. Mr. Brown feels that this is a major issue, and plans on marching soon to pressure the vote on healthy workplace bill. The bill has already been presented but not voted on yet. Help us by signing our workplace bullying petition, or getting in touch with us to march with us. Stop workplace bullying now! Vote bully buster Brown!

Contacting Everly D. Brown.

More info About Everly D. Brown.


Gregg Morris, editor of the WORD and this site.

Gregg Morris, editor of the WORD and this site.

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