On this Sunday I am asking my friends, my family, my sisters and brothers who are fighting for the rights of our children to take 12 minutes and watch this interview, share this interview … I am an advocate for the children’s educational rights. I am fighting for the rights of the differently abled learners and their right to a NYS diploma as well as the safety they are entitled to by law in their school gym.
I am in court as we speak trying to have education law 409-f enforced and expose the dysfunction surrounding it. It was enacted after two students were crushed and killed in their school gym.I am not asking for your signature, your money, or your time … well, just 12 minutes of it to watch this and to share this to educate the parents and the tax payers of why I fight for our children’s rights. Why we ALL fight for our children’s rights … I choose to FIGHT rather than sit back and accept the dysfunction in our education system as I was TOLD to do.
They say SUNLIGHT is the best disinfectant … I say FACEBOOK and parents dedication to a cause is pretty good too … Thanks … Please make a comment if you see fit on you Tube after viewing this. Couldn’t tag everyone so PLEASE share.
Thank You and enjoy this beautiful day.

Gregg Morris, Editor, the WORD & this site.