Posts Tagged ‘New Hampshire Primaries’

A New York Times Puff Piece About a D:F/M Pulitzer Prize Winning Colleague Taking a Hike

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Me Thinks the New York Times Didn’t Do the Math

Sour Mash Or Sour Grapes?

Bernard Stein

Bernard Stein


My Ford Foundation Grant: Significant Events Cited in Final Report

Friday, January 16th, 2009

The WORD received considerable interest and support and that led to it receiving press credentials from the Independent Press Association (now known as the New York Community Media Alliance) for two students to join a cadre of professional news reps from 10 NYCMA member organizations to report on the New Hampshire Primaries in January, 2008. The students reported on rallies and news conferences and met with the University of New Hampshire survey center associate director who briefed all the journalists about the primaries.

And the success of that trip led to the WORD receiving press credentials for three students to report on the Democratic National Convention. (more…)

Senior Editor/Producer Jonathan Mena And Writer/Reporter Kisha Allison at the New Hampshire Primaries

Sunday, January 13th, 2008

They hit New Hampshire running, arriving Monday, January 7, in South Boston, via Amtrack, and then hopping a bus ride about an hour later to Manchester where they were hoping to catch up with members of the Independent Press Association of New York (soon – we’re talking days – to become known as the New York Community Media Alliance) which had arrived about an hour before them.
