Posts Tagged ‘Korean newspapers’

Eunji Jang

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009
Eunji Jang on assignment.

File Photo: On assignment for a story.

Interns for New America Media. Has made a connection with a New York Times reporter who is drawing on her skills and talent so that he can write and report about the Korean community in metropolitan NYC. A Times immigration beat. This is not a freebie. She does translation and interpretation and is getting valuable field and professional experience and making serious career connections.

She also has been getting write-ups in Korean news media [like this one] for her work with New America Media.

Sandy Close, the Executive Director of NAM, has said more than once that Eunji Jang is vital to NAM’s goals to develop better coordination with Korean news media in the United States. Jang travels the country for NAM when slaving over a full-time course load and, of course, publishing in the WORD.